[closed] Problems running Build Toolkit on Linux Jenkins Slave
Hi there,
We have our Jenkins master running on Windows 2008. We have been successful loading the build toolkit on our windows slaves and have builds going. We now want to do the same on a Redhat linux slave.
So now in the global config we have a windows toolkit and a Linux one listed. The linux path in the global config looks like this: /var/appl/jenkins/rtctoolkit-4.0.1/jazz/buildsystem/buildtoolkit
On the slave the we entered the same path in the "Tools Location".
We get the error in the job console:
FATAL: RTC : checkout failure: Built toolkit directory not found at: C:\var\appl\jenkins\rtctoolkit-4.0.1\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit
Obviously there is no C: on the Redhat slave.
We also tried the "Install Automatically" option to grab it from Artifactory and install. But the same error persists.
Are there any tricks to getting this working with a Windows Master and Redhat agent? I appreciate any and all help, thanks!
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by rschoon May 25 '21, 7:00 a.m.
3 answers
Sorry for the delay. The Jenkins slave needs to be configured to know where the build toolkit tool is. Team concert plugin - Slave configuration
the link does not work. I have same issue.
Master on Windows
Slave on Linux:
FATAL: RTC : checkout failure: Built toolkit directory not found at: C:\opt\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildtoolkit
In master Tool config, RTC has:
Name: RTC Build Toolkit (Linux)
Home: /opt/IBM/TeamConcertBuild/buildsystem/buildtoolkit
In agent node, it has same settings.
In Job, it is using "RTC Build Toolkit (Linux)"