Running custom source scanners on the server
Accepted answer
Here are the steps we used in the lab to test the scanner extension mechanism. Can you compare them and see if your procedure is the same or the equivalent? If it differs you may want to use these steps to see if it resolves your problem.
From the Eclipse client:
1. Create a feature project and add the plugin to the feature.xml.
2. Create an update site project and add the feature to the site.xml. It's better to use the UI to add the feature instead of modifying the site.xml manually.
3. Open the site.xml and click on Build All.
4. Verify that your feature and plugin are generated in the update site project.
5. Export this update site project to a zip file.
On the Server:
1. Go to the Admin Console and reset the server so it will reprovision on next restart.
2. Copy and extract the zip file to the <install_dir>/server/conf/ccm/sites directory.
3. Verify that in the <install_dir>/server/conf/ccm/sites directory, you have a new directory that have the following folders and files: features, plugins, site.xml.
4. Go to <install_dir>/server/conf/ccm/provision_profiles directory.
5. Make a copy of any existing ini file.
6. Edit the new ini file and change the url to point to the directory directory, and the featureid to your feature.
7. Restart the server.
Hi Daniel
Hi Kristof,
I was able to add your scanner to a RTC 4.0.3 server running locally on my laptop and have it show up in the scanner selection dialog. However it took me two attempts. My first attempt failed to show up in the selection dialog because when I added the plugin.xml file to the scanner plugin project, I failed to add the plugin.xml file to the file so it was not added to the plugin jar. Verify that your plugin jar in the update site plugins folder has a plugin.xml file.
Hi Daniel,
Hi Kristof,
When I tried to install your update site on my server I got this error in the ccm.log: 2013-12-09 21:27:56,121 [http-bio-9443-exec-50 @@ 21:27 dan /ccm/service/] ERROR se.metadata.scanner.service.MetadataScannerFactory - The com.kristof.testphpscanner scanner failed to register. Namespace must be absolute
You original namespace was "" which worked for me but your namespace for the zip you uploaded to dropbox is "TestPHPScanner.scanner1". Try adding "http://" to the beginning of the namespace and redeploy.
Hi Daniel,
One other answer
Can you paste your scanner extension point from plugin.xml? Also are you trying to add the scanner to a zOS or IBM i language definiton?
Hi Daniel,
Hi Kristoff,
I asked about the language definition types just to make sure you have the category set correctly i.e. "zos", "ibmi", or "all". It looks good in your example. Can you verify that you pasted the XML correctly? The end scanner tag is missing "</". Is this a typo in the copy and paste? If not then it is an error in the plugin.xml and may be preventing the extension from showing up in the scanner selection dialog.
Hi Daniel. This was indeed a small copy/paste typo. I had to truncate spaces/tabs a bit so it would fit within the forum character limit and it got removed along. I made a pastebin with the code I use in my plugin.