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RTC plugin for RAD. Eclipse crashes when I try to open work items, streams

Deepti Rao (335) | asked Nov 05 '13, 5:06 p.m.
edited Nov 06 '13, 9:22 a.m.
Hi, I have installed RTC-Client-p2Repo- for RAD 8.0. I am able to connect to the repo and create workspace. However, when I try to open a stream, work item, component eclipse crashes with the following error:
Java was started but returned exit code=8096

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Kohji Ohsawa (5951310) | answered Nov 05 '13, 9:49 p.m.
Hi Deepti,

Are there any reasons you chose p2 repo?  Have you tried the extension install?

Deepti Rao commented Nov 06 '13, 9:20 a.m.

RTC standalone clients works fine. It is only the integration of RTC with RAD that doesn't work.

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