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can RTC support full-text search for Microsoft Office, PDF document types stored in stream?

Kenneth Lu (1113) | asked Oct 31 '13, 9:41 p.m.
edited Nov 04 '13, 5:38 p.m. by Stephanie Taylor (24115)
A RTC customer, required storing all project documents to RTC stream, but from full-text search, it only support on plan and work items, not for stream. So it is considered to use Context-aware search. after configured Context-aware search, the text stored in stream such as source code, xml, etc, can be indexed and support full-text search. when word, excel or pdf are stored in same stream, it seems these documents types are not indexed and can't support full-text search.
Can RTC support full-text search for Microsoft Office, PDF document types stored in stream? If yes, how implement it  properly? is there any plan/enhancement to support it if not yet?

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li yaqiang (19423) | answered Dec 09 '14, 9:20 p.m.
Context-aware search does not support the PDF and Microsoft Office. Currently, we do not have plans or enhancements to support them.

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