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Unable to find Jazz SVN Connections view

Shahab Mahtab (111) | asked Oct 28 '13, 10:24 p.m.
retagged Dec 16 '13, 3:49 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
I am trying to connect to  SVN on Eclipse 4.2, and RTC 4.0.4 using Subsclipse 1.6.x.

Subsclipse is configured fine and and I do see files using SVN perspective.

As per the instruction, I am trying to create a JAZZ--SVN connection, but I do not see the  view "Jazz SVN Connections".

I do not want use SVN dump.
Please help. Thanks

3 answers

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Oct 29 '13, 4:47 a.m.
edited Oct 29 '13, 4:48 a.m.
Can you please clarify where are you looking for the view?
It can be found under Window->Show View in Eclipse client.

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Shahab Mahtab (111) | answered Oct 29 '13, 8:31 a.m.

Hi Piotr:

I am looking for "Jazz SVN Connections" in Window->Show View.

I am unable to attach a screenshot, but it is same as what you posted. I do have all other views under "Jazz source control", except for "Jazz SVN Connections".


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Remy Suen (426224) | answered Oct 29 '13, 10:41 a.m.
Did you install with IBM Install Manager? If yes, see bug 278462.

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