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Is there a URL to link to the latest version of an asset in RAM?

Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | asked Sep 25 '13, 10:38 a.m.

We would like to setup some static web pages we have with links into RAM for some documentation we want to manage there.  However, we would like the links to point to the latest version of the particular asset, rather than requiring a particular version number within the URL.  For example:

points to version 1.1 of the asset, but I would like to do is:

The above doesn't work.  However, I stumbled upon:*

which does seem to work, but I haven't found any documentation to support that it is correct.  Can anyone confirm that this is a supported way to link to the latest version of an asset?


Accepted answer

permanent link
Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Sep 25 '13, 11:15 a.m.
edited Sep 26 '13, 11:05 a.m. by Rich Kulp (3.6k38)
If you use the link provided from the asset details 's "general details" link, it will be a form like this:


If you remove the &v=1.0 (the version), it will link to the latest asset version (given that the version is in a numeric "." form.
Chris Ratcliffe selected this answer as the correct answer

Chris Ratcliffe commented Sep 25 '13, 11:25 a.m.

Thanks for the response. 

Removing the &v=x.x.x from the general details URL also works, so I will assume that that is the recommended way to do it.

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