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Cannot post questions to forum.

Alan Sampson (93749) | asked Sep 16 '13, 5:48 p.m.
I have a client who is encountering errors while trying to post questions to the forum.
The client's issue is:
When I am logged into the site, I try to post a question on the forum.  When I click on the "Ask a question" blue button, the browser loads the question form page and I am logged out.  I have tried to re-logging back in, but when I do, I am no longer on the question form page and every time I click on the "Ask a question" button, I am again logged out.  It's a loop, that essentially prevents me from being able to post questions.
Is this a known issue and if not how does my client get support for the issue?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 16 '13, 7:24 p.m.
I had trouble that was somewhat like this a few weeks ago, but it seemed to clear itself up over time (the usual approach of deleting all my cookies and such didn't help).  Sometimes it helps to just switch to a different browser.

In general, for guidance on how to report problems with the forum, see the forum question "How should I report problems with the new forum", i.e.:
And to save you the extra key click (:-), the answer there is, use:


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