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Cannot create sandbox: problem running daemon start

Trying to create a sandbox using Visual Studio and RTC4.0.1 (IBM Rational Team Concert Version: 4.0.1HF254368 Build: I4.0.1HF254368_20130306-1346). Getting the following error: reinstalling RTC for VS makes no difference.
09/12/2013 13:14:42 UiUtils: Load Repository: Can not create sandbox at given location., com.ibm.team.foundation.core.exception.CoreException: Can not create sandbox at given location. ---> com.ibm.team.filesystem.common.FSDaemonConnectionException: Starting the SCM daemon (C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE\3rd Party\scmtools\eclipse\scm.exe) on c:\Sandboxes\8.0Sandbox returned error: Sandbox(es) locked by an unknown process.
Problem running 'daemon start':
Failed to lock all sandboxes. Could not lock "Status ERROR: com.ibm.team.filesystem.client code=0 Cannot create sandbox at C:/Sandboxes/8.0Sandbox because one already exists at C:/Sandboxes null".
One answer

No other clients or processes. PC restart, RTC for VS reinstall didn't help.
Local expert found and fixed the problem: I had launched a previous sandbox creation step, then aborted it by killing VS from Task Manager. This had created and left a .jazz5 directory in my sandbox folder. Removing that .jazz5 folder fixed the issue. The error msg is very confusing. Took about 4 hours to resolve it.
Marek Siekierski
Sep 12 '13, 6:40 p.m.Hi Arvind,