How I can restrict adding component to a stream by precondition?
I want to write a precondition to prevent adding a component to a stream. But I found after deliver a added component, the precondition of deliver server will not be triggered.
So how I can capture action of the adding component?
We have ever think to set it by setting owner of component, but it seems not fit for user. So at first, I want to know how to trigger the precondition when add a component to stream.
2 answers
In particular, there is the Source_Control -> Save_Stream -> Modify -> Stream -> Modify_the_stream_components -> Add_components_to_the_stream permission.
We name component with some naming rules.
So when we deliver a added component to server, we want to force added component to follow our naming rule.
Permission setting can not resolve the problem.
Please give an advise.
To get a precondition which can server your problem (only components fitting a special naming convention) should be delivered I fear you have to write your own one.
Also, you should note that changing the name of the component will affect every instance where the component is used. If you add the component to streams 'A' and 'B', renaming the component will show the new name in both those streams.
Simon Eickel
Sep 02 '13, 2:12 a.m.there is no precondition to prevent adding a component to a stream.
If you need a precondition this has to be written by your own.
Just take Geoffs solution for this.