How to use work item reportable REST API to select subset of string extentions

Why doesn't #1 below work? #1 seems to only output the first string extention in the REST command not both.
#2 works but the two custom values have to be different types of extentions (one string and one big decimal).
#3 works but it lists all custom string extentions and I only want to output 2 specific string extentions.
Is it that I need to include an or condition for #1 instead of asking for the string extentions twice? Does adding an or condition instead of equals negatively affect performance?
1) https://server:port/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='MiCSES Change and Configuration Management' and (id=293)]/(children/stringExtensions[key='micsesSmStrCiName']/value | stringExtensions[key='micsesSmStrCiVersion']/value)
2) https://server:port/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='MiCSES Change and Configuration Management' and (id=293)]/(children/stringExtensions[key='micsesSmStrCiName']/value|bigDecimalExtensions[key='micsesDecCiVersion']/value
3) https://server:port/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='MiCSES Change and Configuration Management' and (id=293)]/(children/stringExtensions/value)
Michael Taylor
Aug 28 '13, 9:56 a.m.The following with "stringExtensions[key='micsesSmStrCiName' or key='micsesSmStrCiVersion'" does seem to work the way I wanted #1 to work.
If someone can help me understand why #1 didn't work and if there are any performance implications of adding or conditions versus equal conditions that would be great!
- https://server:port/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='MiCSES Change and Configuration Management' and (id=293)]/(children/stringExtensions[key='micsesSmStrCiName' or key='micsesSmStrCiVersion']/value)
Michael Taylor
Sep 06 '13, 3:07 p.m.Can any developers knowledgable about the RTC work item reportable REST API address this question?
If someone can help me understand why #1 didn't work and if there are any performance implications of adding or conditions versus equal conditions that would be great!