RTC 4.0.2 - How to get change sets for a work item exported to an external folder?
I am building on my above question as I didn't fully understand on the answer.
Here are two precise questions:
1) How do I get the changes sets for a work item exported to an external folder? Is it possible with SCM to regex out the files and save them in an external folder?
2) We only deploy the change sets to production i.e. files that been touched by the work items. Say there are 10 components and each time we deploy 18-20 work items.
I want to diff 10 components between development and integration streams and find all the change sets and export them to external folder. The external folder should finally look like
Deployment (folder)
Comp3.....etc etc
As you see, now have a list of change sets(for all the 10-20 Work items) in a deployment folder. We can then export to server , compress them up and deploy them. if there are no changes for a components then there will be no entries in the external folder.
Is this possible using RTC 4?
One answer
If you're using the command line as was suggested in your other question, you won't be able to achieve what you want. The real issue is getting files from change sets associated with a work item means you have no configuration context. You'll need a workspace or stream to give context to where the files reside. You could use the plain Java API to retrieve the content but you would still need a workspace to resolve the file paths.
You could use a workspace for all this work like the RTC builds do. When you deploy, you would want your workspace updated with the change sets from the work items. You can use the workspace to resolve file paths and extract the files you want to deploy. Of course, you may run into issues with gaps when accepting from work items instead of working from an integration stream.
You could use a workspace for all this work like the RTC builds do. When you deploy, you would want your workspace updated with the change sets from the work items. You can use the workspace to resolve file paths and extract the files you want to deploy. Of course, you may run into issues with gaps when accepting from work items instead of working from an integration stream.