Time spent

Accepted answer

I am using RTC 3 and what I do is export the result of a query to csv and I use "internal value" instead of "label" for the time spent field (in the second wizard page of the Export Work Items wizard). This way, I get the time spent in milliseconds and I use formula in Excel to calculate the time spent in hours.
Not sure if this holds true for RTC 4.

So, this answer correctly explains how to get a consistent time unit on export, but is there a way to force the GUI to display Time Spent in hours only -- at least while editing the attribute value? As I'm working on a task, I repeatedly have to go back in and add an hour or so to the Time Spent attribute. Although the math isn't difficult, it's a pain to have to convert the fractional days to hours, add time, and save it. It would be much easier if I could always work in hours.