Hover feature on a custom form
2 answers
The 'extra details' hover uses the editor presentation for the work item type to determine which attributes to show. This can be
configured in the process specification section: Configuration Data / Work Items / Editor Presentations.
If there is an specific attribute that it is not working, please add a comment at the following Enhancement on jazz.net to raise this
question: Enhancement 154620 -
There is a good documentation about the HOver features available at
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/WebRichHovers2010 (links) and
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ItemLevelInteractions2010 (actions items).
Hi Sean, in the Editor Presentation, when you edit the presentation of an attribute the "Description" acts as a tool tip text and yes it should work for both web and eclipse client.
To add a little extra, if you want the tool tip text to be multiline then you may want to look at my answer on this post.
To add a little extra, if you want the tool tip text to be multiline then you may want to look at my answer on this post.