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Is Firefox 5.0 supported with RQM 4.0.3

jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | asked Aug 08 '13, 4:21 a.m.
The question is in the summary.    Thanks

Accepted answer

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Aug 08 '13, 7:32 a.m.
Firefox 5 is not supported for CLM 4.0.3; the full list of supported browsers can be seen here

Browser CLM Web Client DNG RRDI Notes
Apple Safari 5.1 and future fixpacks Supported Supported Not Supported  
*Firefox 10 ESR* and future fixpacks Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Dropped in CLM 4.0.3 - Firefox 10ESR is out of service from Mozilla
Firefox 17 ESR and future fixpacks Supported Supported Supported New for CLM 4.0.2 - Please see 4.0.2 Release Notes for known issues and workarounds
Google Chrome 21 and future releases, mod levels and fixpacks Supported Supported Not Supported  
| Internet Explorer 8 and future fixpacks | Supported | Supported | Supported | Please note IE8 is not supported for the RTC Eclipse Client on 64-bit Windows please use IE9. Please see additional known issues for IE8 and
Internet Explorer 9 and future fixpacks Supported Supported Supported    
jean-claude vauthier selected this answer as the correct answer

3 other answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Aug 08 '13, 5:17 a.m.
Hi Jean,
When you look at system requiremts, only Firefox 17 ESR is officially supported. Anyway I would not expect big problems with Firefox 5.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Kazmierczyk

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Ayan Paul (2552230) | answered Aug 08 '13, 4:24 a.m.
Firefox 10.0.5 is supported

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jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | answered Aug 08 '13, 4:33 a.m.
I'm talking about the version 5 of Firefox which was available around mid 2011.  Version 10 arrived later in 2012.


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