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RTC 4.0 Extension Workshop Upgrade to RTC 4.0.3 ?

praveen patidar (8623544) | asked Jul 17 '13, 8:48 p.m.
 Hello ,

I am planning to upgrade the workshop keeping my old data as well. Can someone please suggest any comprehensive steps to be followed. 

I have done for the tomcat instance. but for the workspace and all i am searching any steps to be followed. 

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 18 '13, 1:55 a.m.
You basically have to do an upgrade of your repository to 4.0.3. to a new install folder with 4.0.3 set up like described in the extension workshop. Instead of importing the tar files you upgrade. Then you have to run through the rest of Lab1 for the new workspace. See
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praveen patidar (8623544) | answered Jul 19 '13, 3:06 a.m.
 Yes I did the same. It works and ultimately I get the Jatty based debug environment updated with 4.0.3 

Steps that I followed : 
1. Upgraded the Tomcat as normal upgrade. Note : It need to be upgraded one by one (jts fully then ccm). No Licence need to be installed. (referring IM based installation).

2. Unzip the client and rtc sdk for 4.0.3 and followed lab 1 for client setup. 
3. Before run the rtc junit for db setup take backup of the folder server created in the workspaces. (AS I am not isolating the environment). You will loose the data surely but there is no way around.  
4. Run Junit to create database.
5. Install Client Licenses for 4.0.3 after starting Jatty launch. 

Quite confusing but anyhow I am able to upgrade. 

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 19 '13, 3:50 a.m.
You would not have to go through all that painful upgrade, if you did not want to keep the Extensions workshop SCM data. The server you upgrade is, as explained in your development server for SCM as well as your test deployment target.

The only reason why you would want to upgrade it is, that you would like to keep the project and stream with the sources for the extension workshop.

Since you have the final data already, again, as explained in you could simply set up a fresh 4.0.3 server and client, run Lab 1 skipping content as explained in and then import your projects from the old workspace.

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