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RTCz ISPF client did not show the file changes outside the ISPF client

The users said after they use RTCz client load the files, if they quit the RTCz client and change the loaded files in normal PCOMM, when they enter the RTCz ISPF client again, the ISPF can not recognize the changed file.
The users did not change the file directly in ISPF since the ISPF does not contains some normal z editor function search as searching/sort.
So anyone can help to find other work-round for this? Thanks!
Accepted answer

Hi, it is possible to edit files outside the ISPF Client for the reason your users do it, to use external tools. However when you go back into the RTC ISPF Client, in order to see the unchecked in change go into the member list and then type REFRESH, or REF on the command line. We don't do this by default as it takes longer to perform a refresh command. Once the refresh is do, the files changed outside of the ISPF Client will by marked with a * to signify an unchecked in change.
In RTC 4.0.4 we are adding a pending changes view, so it will be easier to see files changed outside of the RTC ISPF Client and then check them in.
In RTC 4.0.4 we are adding a pending changes view, so it will be easier to see files changed outside of the RTC ISPF Client and then check them in.