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Errors on Team Absences report on RTC 4.0.

Ron DuBois (1122) | asked Jul 12 '13, 9:21 a.m.

This is in reference to the report template here - .

I changed the repository name to  '', and the projectArea name to '2013_R2 Release Plan', which corresonds to my formal project iteration.

  <oda-data-source extensionID="" name="JazzLive" id="7">
   <property name="repository">
   <property name="snapshot">LIVE_SNAPSHOT</property>
   <property name="projectArea">2013_R2 Release Plan</property>
  <oda-data-source extensionID="" name="JazzWorkItems" id="1239">
   <property name="repository">
   <property name="snapshot">WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT</property>
   <property name="projectArea">2013_R2 Release Plan</property>
  <oda-data-source extensionID="" name="JazzAPT" id="1244">
   <property name="repository">
   <property name="snapshot">APT_SNAPSHOT</property>
   <property name="projectArea">2013_R2 Release Plan</property>
  <oda-data-source extensionID="" name="JazzCommon" id="1291">
   <property name="repository">
   <property name="snapshot">COMMON_SNAPSHOT</property>
   <property name="projectArea">2013_R2 Release Plan</property>
  <script-data-source name="Scripted Data Source" id="1482" />

I get the following error:

Can you please help? What am I doing wrong?

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Marek Siekierski (817510) | answered Jul 22 '13, 3:31 p.m.
edited Jul 22 '13, 3:40 p.m.
Hi Ron,

It is possible those parameters are no longer available in 4.0. I've deployed the report in my environment and have the same problem. Opening the report up in the report designer throws an NPE so I'm assuming the report is outdated.

Please refer to the following for more information on reporting on 4.x:

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