hiding the time tracking presentation based on user role

I'd like to develop a client-side extension to RTC to hide the time tracking presentation depending on the current user's role. The approach I thought about taking was to create a custom editor presentation that would validate the role and either delegate all the PresentationPart to the actual TimeSheetEntryPartIDE object or display nothing.
I would instantiate the TimeSheetEntryPartIDE object by calling com.ibm.team.workitem.ide.ui.internal.editor.presentations.PresentationsManager.getPresentation with the time sheet kind id.
Would this approach work? If not, how could this be accomplished.
I would instantiate the TimeSheetEntryPartIDE object by calling com.ibm.team.workitem.ide.ui.internal.editor.presentations.PresentationsManager.getPresentation with the time sheet kind id.
Would this approach work? If not, how could this be accomplished.