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Is it possible to use work item type as a filter attribute in a query thru Reportable REST API?

Martin Sarro (1122) | asked May 02 '13, 5:19 a.m.
Hi folks!
It works for me when I attempt to query by filtering on ProjectArea attribute or any workitem attributes different than Type (or even Status). But when I add a type as a filter condition the query returns an Error 500: CRRED8029E. Not valid query"
It works when I use any other attribute as a query filter:
https://localhost:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='MyProjectArea' and owner/name='JOHN SMITH']/(id|summary|description|type/name)&size=10000
But it doesn't work when I add the "WorkItem Type" as a filter:
RESULT (KO): Error 500: CRRED8029E: Consulta no válida: type/name='Fase'
It doesn't work for any of the types. The "type name" I used in  the query is correct since I use the same literal as defined in the Configuration Data > Workitems > Types and Attributes.
Is there someting wrong thru the query? Any idea about how to filter by type?
Thanks in advance!

2 answers

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Alanna Zito (1.3k3) | answered May 03 '13, 3:37 p.m.
Hi Martin,

Although type/name is not queryable, type/id is - so you could use this attribute to filter by type instead, e.g.


You can find the type IDs in the same place you found the literal names.

Martin Sarro commented May 06 '13, 4:16 a.m.
Thanx Alanna for your response!
I still get the same "Error 500: CRRED8029E: Invalid Query" even using the queryable "type/id" attribute.
I guess it could be due to the RTC version, since this same QUERY works in site (using RTC v4), but I can't make it works in my RTC 3.0.1.
Have you ever tried this in RTC 3.0.1?
On the other hand, My query works without type filter only by using the https://localhost:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem (ccm), since pointing to JAZZ doesn't work.
Any other idea?
Thanx again!

Alanna Zito commented May 06 '13, 9:15 a.m.

I tried out that URL with RTC 4.0.x, so it's possible that it doesn't work with 3.0.x.  If that's the case, then I'm afraid I don't know of any other way to filter by the work item type.

Re: using "jazz" vs "ccm" - I just copied the URL directly from my local server, which was using jazz as the context root - I should have updated it to the use the standard "ccm" instead.  You should use whatever context root your server is using. 

Martin Sarro commented May 07 '13, 10:22 a.m.
Yep, sounds like I'll have to do a work-around until get RTC upgraded to v4.0.1.
I'm thinking about building a QUERY in RTC with all fields I need to report and execute it thru CURL command.
Thanx again!

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered May 03 '13, 12:16 p.m.
workitem/type/name is non-queryable field. The error message in my case is different than the one you got above. In my test, it shows "CRRED8022E: Non Queryable Field: type/name"

According to, no documentation on the list of queryable versus non-queryable fields is available.

Martin Sarro commented May 06 '13, 4:19 a.m.
Thanx Kot!
I still get the same "Error 500: CRRED8029E: Invalid Query" even using the queryable "type/id" attribute.
I guess it could be due to the RTC version, since this same QUERY works in site (using RTC v4), but I can't make it works in my RTC 3.0.1.

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