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Help with RQM and WAS Please.

Mark Ireland (26125748) | asked Nov 27 '08, 5:22 a.m.

I am currently trying to set up an RQM server. We will need multiple instances running on the same server. We have planned to use WAS to serve these but I am unable to get them to work. I have also tried multiple TOMCAT servers but these all seem to have certificate issues. Running the servers from command line works fine and the RQM software seems ok. I have already set up an RTC server which is running fine via multiple TOMCAT servers, I have not attempted WAS config. The TOMCAT versions etc are identical.

I have been unable to connect to a LDAP server, this is due to our domain set up and may be a none starter.
I can full admin access on the servers.
I have ensured that no spaces are in the RQM path names.
I have set up the provision_profiles, and files I believe correctly.
The WAS version used is 6.x
I have tried using the documents and links attached, to no avail. Fiddling with the WAS set up will allow me to get a logon screen, but I am unable to login to the servers. I did try mapping to local groups and created local users to match the RQM users. I can get a basic screen up but not connections etc.

Links and Docs.


1./ Obviously WAS is the way to go. Can you assit me in the setup? I can give you access should you need/want it.
2./ TOMCAT multiple servers with RQM? Have I missed some additional step?

3 answers

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Daniel Kogan (51) | answered Nov 28 '08, 11:53 a.m.

Let me try to give some pointers and I hope you can provide few more pieces of information.

First of all from your message I'm not 100% clear if you 've tried to install WAS with local file based realm if you cannot access LDAP. Also, what LDAP server are you using?

If you cannot make it work with local file based realm then something is not properly setup with WAS and I will try to troubleshoot this further at that point.

Regarding the multiple tomcat servers. How exactly are planning to use multiple tomcat instances? Are you running on Windows, Lunix or Z? What DB are you using?

Dan Kogan
Jazz Server Team


I am currently trying to set up an RQM server. We will need multiple instances running on the same server. We have planned to use WAS to serve these but I am unable to get them to work. I have also tried multiple TOMCAT servers but these all seem to have certificate issues. Running the servers from command line works fine and the RQM software seems ok. I have already set up an RTC server which is running fine via multiple TOMCAT servers, I have not attempted WAS config. The TOMCAT versions etc are identical.

I have been unable to connect to a LDAP server, this is due to our domain set up and may be a none starter.
I can full admin access on the servers.
I have ensured that no spaces are in the RQM path names.
I have set up the provision_profiles, and files I believe correctly.
The WAS version used is 6.x
I have tried using the documents and links attached, to no avail. Fiddling with the WAS set up will allow me to get a logon screen, but I am unable to login to the servers. I did try mapping to local groups and created local users to match the RQM users. I can get a basic screen up but not connections etc.

Links and Docs.


1./ Obviously WAS is the way to go. Can you assit me in the setup? I can give you access should you need/want it.
2./ TOMCAT multiple servers with RQM? Have I missed some additional step?

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Mark Ireland (26125748) | answered Dec 01 '08, 4:10 a.m.

Hi, many thanks for the reply.The basic issue is that I want to run multiple RQM servers from one physical server.

My versions are :-

WAS is at 6.1
The RQM server(s) are at IBM Rational Quality Manager
V 1.0.0 Standard Edition (
The RTC client (not used yet) is at 1.01. DB2 is served by a seperate physical box, abd version 9.x.

If I start the RQM servers up mormally from the menu, they will both work fine. If I use either WAS or Tomcat services they fail.

i am not sure what you mean by realm, I have very limited WAS knowledge.
We do not have a LDAP server to connect to, the only server would be Bluepages (UK).



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Richard Backhouse (6661) | answered Dec 01 '08, 1:48 p.m.

If you are running your servers as services then you will need to make
sure you have setup up the os environment correctly. I suggest taking a
look at this Tech Note. Although this applies directly to running Tomcat
as a service the concepts will apply to WAS as a service too.

Jazz Web UI and Server Development

irelandm wrote:

Hi, many thanks for the reply.The basic issue is that I want to run
multiple RQM servers from one physical server.

My versions are :-

WAS is at 6.1
The RQM server(s) are at IBM Rational Quality Manager
V 1.0.0 Standard Edition (
The RTC client (not used yet) is at 1.01. DB2 is served by a seperate
physical box, abd version 9.x.

If I start the RQM servers up mormally from the menu, they will both
work fine. If I use either WAS or Tomcat services they fail.

i am not sure what you mean by realm, I have very limited WAS
We do not have a LDAP server to connect to, the only server would be
Bluepages (UK).



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