Ignore rule: can we define global ignore and override it for a sub folder?

In RTC component, I have an ignore rule at the top project folder with definition like
core.ignore.recursive= \
{obj} \
Under the project folder, there is a sub folder which contains "bin" folder. This bin folder should not be ignored. When I chose to "Remove from ignore list", the RTC actually removes the {bin} from the .jazzignore file. I ended up with losing the global definition.
How could I still keep the global define but let a specific folder ignore the global define?
One answer


Thanks, Tim.
This seems not working for me. After I defined to ignore {bin} in the ignore file under the project folder, the property "Derived" is not checked for bin folder under the project folder, but they are ignored.

Sorry, I had to edit my post to clarify that it did not ignore the bin when defining the .jazzignore file.
Your case seems to be expected. You defined the bin folder to be ignored so what you're seeing makes sense. If you want to see changes in that directory, remove the bin from your .jazzignore and uncheck the "derived" attribute.
The core.ignore list is a list of resources to ignore. It isn't a list of resources for the .jazzignore to ignore.