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JazzProjectAdmins in sandbox

Felice Pescatore (1122) | asked Feb 07 '13, 10:58 a.m.
edited Feb 07 '13, 1:10 p.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
 Hi, i'm trying to load the new DAD PROCESS Template in my RTC sandbox (felicepescatore's Project), but the system give me an error about i need to have "JazzProjectAdmins".

Is that possibile in sandbox? I don't see this role inside the "Role Manager" panel.

TNk, Felice

Jared Burns commented Feb 07 '13, 12:50 p.m.

Can you please clarify what you mean when you say you're trying to "load the new DAD PROCESS Template"? Where are you in the UI and what steps are you performing?

2 answers

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Felice Pescatore (1122) | answered Feb 12 '13, 8:19 a.m.


This are the step i'm trying to do:

  1. Select "Management Menu"
  2. Select "Model Management"
    1. Inside i see, for example, the Scrum process
  3. Select "Import Model"
    1. Try to load "dad_process_template", i get the error: "Error importing template: User "felicepescatore" do not have the required permission to perform the following operation: create a process model in the repository. To do this you need the role "JazzProjectAdmins.""


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Nirmala Rangashamaiah (313) | answered Jun 07 '13, 11:16 a.m.
Hi Felice,

If you are still looking for the answer. This question was answered in below question. Every user is a JazzUser in order to protect the information hosted in 

Nirmala Rangashamaiah

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