BIRT throws "A huge result set was found here". Ignore or panic?
When running some BIRT reports I see warning in the log:
WARN - A result set of 13352 entries was seen. The AstQuery is:
TimeSheetEntryQueryModel r = TimeSheetEntryQueryModel.ROOT;
java.lang.Throwable: A huge result set was found here
Is it OK or report can be incorrect? Which setting\threshold causes BIRT threat number as huge?
Accepted answer
This is just a warning. There is no data loss. Your report will still show all the data (if your server does not run out of memory). But as Daniel had said, you should redesign your report and avoid fetching all item instances of a certain kind (in this case you are fetching all Timesheet Entries in the system).
We use all known limitations in the query like project areas, for\to dates etc. But still it can fetch thousands of entries (repository contains about 200k of entries). Only way left is to split dataset artificially. For instance, make it fetch day by day or contributor by contributor. Anyway thanks for clarification, Rafik.
One other answer