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IBM Engineering Workflow Management 7.0.2 SR1

Product Release / Trial | August 1, 2022
This is not the most recent version. We recommend IBM Engineering Workflow Management 7.0.3 . This is made available for archival purposes and may contain bugs and/or security vulnerabilities. If you do download this version, it is being provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We strongly advise you review the support pages for this version and update the product or take actions recommended therein. Security bulletins contain instructions for the security vulnerability addressed therein, and may require upgrading to a newer version. Link to security vulnerability blog: IBM PSIRT blog.
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Engineering Workflow Management New & Noteworthy

ELM 7.0.2 SR1 iFix015 is available with Log4j2 updates. This release requires full installation and is the prerequisite for future interim fixes. For more information, see IBM Support portal.

IBM Engineering Workflow Management 7.0.2 New & Noteworthy

IBM Engineering Workflow Management is an integral part of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) solution.

New in IBM Engineering Workflow Management 7.0.2 SR1

For a complete list of new and noteworthy items in this release, see the New & Noteworthy Details.

For a summary of items in this release, see the following highlights:

Build: Support for load rules when you do an optimized incremental load

You can now choose to do an optimized incremental load in builds that use load rules to load the workspace.

EWM clients: SAML and OIDC application password support is provided in non-browser clients for EWM

You can configure your Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) with a SAML Identity Provider or a third-party OpenID Connect Provider (OIDC) for increased security such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

In such a configuration, JAS now allows users to generate a long-lived application password that can be used from any of the non-browser Engineering Workflow Management clients for authentication. Application passwords are user-specific and locked to the first application it is used with.

Git integration: Diagnostics page for viewing Git Integration issues

A new diagnostics page is added to the CCM admin section. You can now view all issues that occur when you are using the EWM Git Integration with GitLab and GitHub Enterprise webhooks by using the diagnostics page. The diagnostics page also shows a resolution for each issue.

Tracking and planning: Simplified linking for OSLC link types

Drag and drop

You can drag a work item from the work item editor, plan editor, or quick planner views and drop it on the work item editor, test artifacts in Engineering Test Management (ETM), or requirement artifacts in Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next).

You can use the work item type icon to drag a work item onto an editor or grid view in another tab or window that uses the same browser instance. When you drag an artifact over the work item editor, a drop target is displayed.

When you drop an artifact on the drop target, you can create links between the artifacts. You can select the link type from the Create links dialog box and then click Create links.

You can select and drag multiple work items in a plan editor and drop them onto the work item editor to create links to multiple work items.

You can select work items in the quick planner view and drop them onto the work item editor to create links to multiple work items.

Copy and paste

You can use the Copy Link option in the work item editor to copy the work item link and then, click the Paste as link icon in another artifact to create an OSLC link. For every work item in the plan, a new menu option Copy Link is available in the plan editor.

Keyboard shortcuts for the copy-and-paste feature:

  • Copy Link: Ctrl+C (Windows and Linux) or Command+C (Mac)
  • Paste as link: Ctrl+Shift+V (Windows and Linux) or Command+Shift+V (Mac)


  • The drag-and-drop and copy-paste features for creating links are supported for all OSLC link types that are supported in EWM, ETM, and DOORS Next applications.
  • You can create links by using the copy-and-paste feature between applications that are registered to the same Jazz Team Server. The copy-and-paste feature is not supported to create links across Jazz Team Servers.
  • You cannot link artifacts in different global configurations. If you select a configuration in the EWM banner, you are not allowed to create a link to another artifact in a different global configuration.

Tracking and planning: Work item linking and navigation in a GC context

You can now associate multiple global configurations to a release. The mapping between a global configuration and a release is managed in the Global Configuration Management application. You can also create or modify reports against a configuration-scoped Report Builder data source to see release-specific work item relationships with versioned artifacts.

Global Configuration is removed from the Releases table and from the Add or Edit Release dialog box. A new column is added to support Predecessor links. You can use Predecessor links to mark a release as derived from an earlier release.

You need to opt in to see the global configuration picker in the banner. The OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping page is used to opt in for global configuration. The opt-in is not reversible.

Note: Existing projects that use the OSLC Link/Attribute Mapping are automatically opted-in.

The OSLC Link/Attribute mappings are used to discover work items for incoming link requests. Work item attribute values determine visibility of work item links in collaborating applications such as DOORS Next and ETM.

For project areas that are opted-in for global configuration usage, the configuration is selected by using the global configuration picker in the banner.

Having Configuration Context in the banner for EWM does not mean that the artifacts are versioned. Neither does it mean that the GC context is used to filter the artifacts in all EWM views. The Configuration Context is only used when you navigate to or preview artifacts from the configuration-enabled applications such as DOORS Next and ETM.

The global configuration for versioned artifacts in the work item editor, query results view, and plan editor is always determined by using the user-selected configuration.

You can select a global configuration for outgoing links in the Eclipse client and the Visual Studio client. The versioned artifacts in the query results view and the work item editor use the selected global configuration.

If an n-1 EWM client is used with an EWM 7.0.2 server or later, Configuration Contexts for navigation are not displayed in the client. The navigation (clicking a link in a work item) always uses the default context in the receiving application.

Web client: Smart people picker component

A new people picker component is now introduced as part of the ongoing user experience transformation and alignment with IBM's open source Carbon Design System. The people picker is a dialog box for selecting users and can be used for assigning an owner or a set of subscribers to an artifact.

The new people picker is common across the following applications:

  • DOORS Next
  • Engineering Insights
  • Engineering Test Management
  • Engineering Workflow Management (including Rhapsody Model Manager)
  • Global Configuration Management
  • Jazz Team Server

The following improvements are included over the classic people picker component:

  • Access control scoping of users
    Only the relevant users are shown as defined in the Access Control setting of the current project area. For instance, if read access is set to Members of the project area hierarchy, then you see only project area and team area members in the search results.
  • Recent users
    In addition to the current user, you can access the 10 most recently selected users.
  • Managing preset users
    Existing users are preselected in the dialog box. You can add new users or remove existing users. Previously, the people picker only supported addition of new users. Now, you can manage an existing selection set in a single step.

Note: The classic people picker component is not entirely replaced. You can still use it in the Administration UI, and for selecting users when querying and filtering because these use cases require access to all historical users.

Enterprise Extensions: Step-by-step details of Integrating the z/OS Automated Unit Testing Framework (zUnit) with EWM published on

The Integrating the z/OS Automated Unit Testing Framework (zUnit) with EWM article published on provides step-by-step details on integrating the z/OS Automated Unit Testing Framework (zUnit) with EWM.

New in other applications

For new and noteworthy information about other applications, see these pages:

For a list of changes to the installation and upgrade process, see the ELM 7.0.2 Installation and Upgrade Notes.

New in previous versions of Engineering Workflow Management

For details about new features and functionality in previous releases, see these pages: