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IBM Rational Quality Manager

Quality management · Manual testing · Continuous improvement

Rational Quality Manager 3.0.1

Product Release / Trial | June 14, 2011
This is not the most recent version. We recommend Rational Quality Manager . This is made available for archival purposes and may contain bugs and/or security vulnerabilities. If you do download this version, it is being provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We strongly advise you review the support pages for this version and update the product or take actions recommended therein. Security bulletins contain instructions for the security vulnerability addressed therein, and may require upgrading to a newer version. Link to security vulnerability blog: IBM PSIRT blog.

Rational Quality Manager and Rational Test Lab Manager 3.0.1 Release Notes

Rational Quality Manager 3.0.1 Release Notes

The following notes detail issues in Rational Quality Manager 3.0.1 that users and consumers of Rational Quality Manager should be aware of.  Please ensure that you also read the Jazz Foundation 3.0.1 Release Notes.

Fixes included in this release

The RQM APARs dashboard shows the APARs fixed in this release.

Known issues and workarounds

Sorting indicators from saved queries are not displayed correctly

When you run a saved query that includes sorting information, the sorting is displayed incorrectly. See 52010.

Weekly execution schedules do not work correctly

Weekly execution schedules created for just one day of the week do not work correctly and can cause the system to run out of resources. For this release, do not use weekly repeating schedules until a fix has been supplied. See 52012.

"" error when trying to run repotools-jazz -migrateExecutionTrendData

Because remote repotools commands time out after 8 minutes, this error can occur when you run the repotools -jazz -migrateExecutionTrendData command to migrate execution data from RQM version 2. See 51990.

Internet Explorer: Error on page occurs when setting an execution variable value while running a test case

An error occurs when setting the value of an execution variable using Internet Explorer. This error is specific to Internet Explorer. The workaround to this is after you've hit OK and the error happens, use the X icon in the upper right corner to dismiss the Update Execution Variable dialog. Then hit the pass icon to advanced the script past the set step. Despite this error, the value of the variable will still be updated. See 51908.

Upgrading from RQM 2.0.1 with DB2 using qm_upgrade.bat logs errors in the import log due to missing datawarehouse property for the DB2 password

To enable the import to complete without any errors, add the following to the files (both jazz + jts) during the merge:

See 51861.

Unable to generate rich hover for old format URI

When requesting a rich hover for TestPlan/TestCase resources using the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) API, there is a failure to resolve the rich hover and the request returns OK (200 response code). The cause is that the OSLC API expects a URL to the VersionedTestPlan/VersionedTestCase instead of the TestPlan/TestCase. The workaround is to change the URL to the VersionedTestPlan/VersionedTestCase. See 51745.

500 response code when POSTing/PUTting reservations with lab resources

Creating and updating reservation resources containing lab resources that use the RQM Reportable REST API causes an Internal Server Error (500 response code). This is caused because the RQM Reportable REST API expects an external ID (external ID) in the URL of the lab resource but lab resource URLs contain internal IDs. To work around this issue, change the internal ID to the external ID in the URL of the lab resource.

See 51659.

Unable to display ETL Job Status with DB2 exceptions in the Log after running tests for over 24 hours for reliability tests

There is an error on the ETL Job status page when running data collection jobs every hour for more than 24 hours.

"Error fetching job history, ensure the data warehouse is properly configured."

ERROR - DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-805, SQLSTATE=51002, SQLERRMC=NULLID.SYSLH1030X5359534C564C3031, DRIVER=3.57.82 DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-805, SQLSTATE=51002, SQLERRMC=NULLID.SYSLH103 0X5359534C564C3031, DRIVER=3.57.82

You can work around this issue in either of these ways:

  • Re-start the CLM Application server whenever this problem appears.
  • Use the "db2 force application all" command on the DB2 Datawarehouse DB. This closes all connections from all the applications to that database.

Re-starting the CLM Application server is the best approach because it would not affect any other application connected to the database.

See Unable to display ETL Job Status with DB2 exceptions in the Log after running tests for over 24 hours for reliability tests.(51570).

ExecutionSequenceResult Reportable REST API does not support external Id being UUID

A Not Found (404) response occurs when retrieving execution sequence resources using the RQM Reportable REST API with the execution sequence resource's universally unique identifier (UUID) as the external ID. A workaround is to change the universally unique identifier (UUID) as the external ID to the internal ID in the URL of the execution sequence. See 51298.

PDF Print: Custom Grid section text contains leftover "[" characters from the JSON data

There are several related problems. Grid Sections sometimes trigger exceptions that cause print jobs to fail. Rich Text sections are sometimes incorrectly treated as Grid Sections. Printed grid sections have the cell data surrounded by [" and "] characters, which prevents test suite grid sections from being parsed. This is caused by a change in the way RQM stores grid sections internally. See 51104

Content of Test Environment Description and Summary sections swapped after creation with Reportable REST API

In the RQM Reportable REST API for test environments, the Description and Summary fields are swapped compared to the RQM Web UI. The issue is that the use of these fields is swapped internally in the Web UI.

The workaround is when working with test environments, remember to swap the Description and Summary fields. If you are using Jaxb objects, you can subclass the Configuration class and fix the problem overriding the setter and getter methods hiding the problem, like this:


public class TestEnvironment extends Configuration {
public String getDescription() {
return summary;

public void setDescription(String value) {
this.summary = value;

public String getSummary() {
return description;

public void setSummary(String value) {
this.description = value;

Using this class instead of the Configuration class solves the problem. See 51097

Mandatory Custom Attribute in a test case result is possible to bypass

If you have defined required custom attributes or required categories for Execution Results, some results may be missing these required fields. This is because when a test execution completes, testers are not forced to enter custom attributes or categories. The workaround is when the execution completes, click the Close and Show Results button to open the execution result. Then, go to the Categories tab of the result and enter the required data. Required fields with missing values will be visually flagged and testers will not be able to save the execution result without entering all required fields. See 51011.

User can only input a date (day/month/year) in a Date/Time custom attribute. No time (hour/minute/second) value can be specified.

See 52025.

Quality Objectives do not roll up from child test plan to master test plan

Evaluating defect-related quality objectives in a master test plan in roll up quality objectives mode breaks the evaluations of all objectives in the master test plan.

To work around this problem, avoid including defect-related quality objectives in a master test plan if roll up mode is used. Roll ups of other quality objectives from children test plan would work as expected. Evaluating defect-related quality objectives in individual, child test plans would work as expected. See 50790.

Quality Objectives section does not register Blocked, Sev1 and Sev 2 CQ Bridge defects

See 50733.

Clicking on image in editor results in the page being left in a bad state

See 50722.

500 Error in My Task widget if self-integrated

See 50206.

Error while adding QM report widgets into dashboard after migrating to QM 3.0.1

See 49702.

When clicking on links on QM reports, in qm.log, we get ERROR - class

See 49666.

Error encountered trying to configure the "Test cases impacted by defects" viewlet using a user with the "Test Contributor" role

See 49449.

RequisitePro connection fails when the RequisitePro project name is in 2-byte or 4-byte characters

Because of a limitation of the RequisitePro API, the data length must be <=20. To get around this issue, specify the RequisitePro project username with <= 2 characters in a 2-byte, 4-byte, or English name. See 49404.

Some permissions for new version 3 functions are deselected after migrating

There have been additional permissions added to the roles in version 3. Where appropriate, the permissions have been given a default value. However, permissions for some of the new version 3 features are not set by default. It is recommended that you review the permissions of your migrated project area roles and make adjustments as necessary for the version 3 features. See 47792.

RRDI reports are imported into RQM as shared even though the shared option was not selected

The Shared check box on the Import Report dialog has no effect. The imported reports are always shared. The issue is that the Reports in RQM are shared based on the folder they are in so there should not be a shared option on the individual report. See 47023.

IllegalArgumentException SSLv3 protocol cannot be enabled in FIPS mode accessing help when server configured for FIPS

This is related to how the online information center implements its SSL client connections. FIPS requires that the SSL protocol be TLS. The SSLv3 protocol is not allowed when in FIPS mode. If the client or the server have requested a handshake using the SSLv3 protocol while in FIPS mode, the handshake will fail. See 45380.

Test Execution Record status cannot be changed from "blocked" to "unblocked" even for resolved defects

This can occur when RQM is integrated with more than one defect container because RQM only supports a single username/password for all of the defect containers. The workaround for this is to configure one common username/password to access all of these containers. See 42935.

OSLC creation dialogs for Test Result and Test Execution Records are not supported

The Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) API does not support creation dialogs for test execution records (TestcaseExecutionRecord) or execution results (ExecutionResult). See 39495.

Quick search does not find external work items

Work items in a remote system such as CCM will not be included in the search results. The Quick Search feature in the QM web UI provides a menu that contains two items: "All Work Items" and "All Unresolved Work Items". Selecting these menu items will cause the search results to include work items in the QM embedded work item system. Work items in a remote system such as CCM will not be included in the search results. See 38348.

OSLC UI preview for test script

The Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) API does not support compact rendering for test scripts (VersionedExecutionScript). See 34740.

The Request with Test Plan metric provides incorrect iteration dimension information.

For work item requests that have an iteration assigned, the metric will count against this iteration and not the test plan milestone/iteration in which the defect was filed. This causes defect trend reports such as Active Defects by Severity to show incorrect information. The problem has been fixed for Rational Insight, and will be fixed for CLM in a future delivery. See 51602.

Most RQM and some RTC BIRT reports do not work on Oracle

BIRT reports might not run when using Oracle as the database for the data warehouse As a work around, use the patch and installation instruction provided in work item 168451.

Certain changes to test plans are not reflected in an Oracle data warehouse

Certain changes, such as changing the test plan name, state, or owner or a soft delete do not get updated in the data warehouse. See 52221 to track updates for this issue.

Issue with data collection of remote test scripts on Oracle

It is possible to get a SQL Exception while inserting a RemoteScript record into an Oracle database. See 52022.

Hyperlinks in the Plan Requirements Coverage Detail report display XML

Reports that provide hyperlinks to requirements in IBM Rational Requisite Pro and defects in IBM Rational ClearQuest have issues opening the artifacts correctly in the native Web editors. Instead of opening the Web editor, XML is shown in the browser. See 51740.

BIRT Defect arrival and resolution report data incorrect

The BIRT Defect Arrival and Resolution Report is incorrect when selecting a Test Milestone parameter. This happens because the data warehouse table used by the report contains the "Planned For" iteration of the work item as opposed to the Test Plan Milestone. The workaround is to not use the Test Milestone parameter in the report. See 51432.

Execution Trend BIRT report shows "No records returned", while Insight report shows records - new RQM project

The BIRT Execution Trend report returns no data, and/or the chart shows data back to 12/31/1969. This happens because some milestones in the test plan have Actual Start and End dates that are empty. The reporting code returns 12/31/1969 for those dates, and those are the dates that are used in the report. The workaround is to enter valid dates for the Actual Start and End Dates of the milestones. See 52129.

Some reports produce incorrect results due to various unresolved defects

Fixes will be delivered with updates tracked by these work items:

RRDI users cannot determine the resource group names to use as parameters for running Live reports

The xdc file for live reporting is now generated by the server. For every project, it creates a resource group with a generic name, such as RQM_1, RQM_2, etc., and it is not clear which project area it maps to. The workaround is to edit the file using Wordpad or an XML data configuration tool and change the resource group names to project area names for more clarity. See the technote link in 49841 for further details.

Java ETL for the FACT table F_REQU_CREATI_TPLN_DT_METRICS fails on SQL Server 2005(& previous versions) causing STAR job to fail

The cause of this problem is that the SQL Query in the ETL is not compatible with SQL Server 2005 (a previous versions). The workaround is to upgrade to SQL Server 2008. From SQL Server 2008 onwards, a new type called DATE has been added in SQL Server. Therefore, the ETL should work fine with SQL Server 2008.

OSLC Integrations

Some OSLC links are not created for ClearQuest change requests when you associate RQM artifacts with ClearQuest change requests. To correct this problem, apply the OSLCLinks package to the ClearQuest schema. See Adding an existing defect to an Execution Result fails when using CQ integration (51673).

Requesting an Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) compact rendering for TestPlan/TestCase resources using the RQM OSLC API fails to resolve the compact rendering. Note that the request returns OK (200 response code). The cause is the OSLC API expects a URL to the VersionedTestPlan/VersionedTestCase instead of the TestPlan/TestCase. The work-around: Change the URL to the VersionedTestPlan/VersionedTestCase.

When using the OSLC API with the (resource feed only) and/or request parameter(s), resource(s) are not included in the Atom Syndication Format XML resource feed or OSLC-defined abbreviated XML resource representations. This can happen because the (resource feed only) or request parameters contain only the following:

  • unset properties
  • properties with non-resource value-types
  • properties with non-Quality Management (namespace prefix of oslc_qm) resource value-types

As a workaround, try one of the following:

  • Remove the and request parameters.
  • Use the RDF/XML representation.
  • Specify one (or more) additional unaffected properties in the (resource feed only) and/or request parameter(s).


Upgrading to Rational Quality Manager 3.0.1 is supported from Rational Quality Manager 2.x. Repository migration is required. See Upgrading for detailed instructions.

Configuring Tomcat as a Windows service on a 64-bit platform

If you intend to run the Tomcat application server on a 64-bit platform, see this related technote.

User assistance

If you deploy RQM on a different server from where the help web application (clmhelp.war) is deployed, you must configure the location of the help war in the services.xml and files. For details, see Configuring the location of the help in a distributed environment.

Changes to project area permissions

Project area read-access permission in version 3 is handled differently than it was in version 2. Any version 2 project areas with a read-access policy set to Everyone will be exposed as a Public Project Area in version 3. For details, see Rational Quality Manager version 3 upgrade considerations.

Lab Resource Catalog API

The lab Resource Catalog contains the definitions of what "parts" (a "part" is defined as any component or attribute of a lab resource such as a CPU type, an operating system, installed software, etc.) can be used to build lab resources and test environments. The RQM UI contains support for full customization of the catalog including adding new parts or hiding existing parts. The API supports GET/PUT of a catalog and getting the catalog feed for a project. Note that there will only ever be one catalog in a project, so the feed will always contain one catalog. This can be useful for finding the id of the catalog for a project. The primary use of the API for a catalog is to copy a catalog from one project to another. However, there are several limitations to this usage:

  • The catalog destination project must be a subset of that from the source project. If the destination project has parts/attributes that are not in the source, the PUT will fail. Due to this limitation, the best way to copy the catalog is when a new project is first created. The copy should occur before any edits to the catalog have been made.
  • The "hidden" property of parts is not preserved. Parts that have been hidden in the source catalog will not be hidden in the destination.
  • The PUT will not work if there are duplicate parts with the same name. In RQM 3.0.1, functionality has been added to allow duplicate names in the catalog. However the PUT of a catalog currently resolves parts by their name, so duplicate names will cause a failure.