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Jazz Foundation 7.0

Product Release / Trial | March 20, 2020
This is not the most recent version. We recommend Jazz Foundation 7.0.3 to take advantage of the latest enhancements, defect and security fixes. If you need to download Jazz Foundation 7.0 please contact Support.
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Jazz Foundation 7.0 New & Noteworthy

Jazz Foundation 7.0 New & Noteworthy

Jazz Foundation is an integral part of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) solution.

New in Jazz Foundation 7.0

For a complete list of new and noteworthy items in this release, see the New & Noteworthy details.

For a summary of items in this release, see the following highlights:

Favorites: Components, configurations, and queries

Now you can designate commonly used components, configurations, and queries for quick access by marking them as favorites. To add or remove the favorite status, toggle the star icon beside an item. A filled yellow star indicates an item is a favorite; a hollow white star indicates it is not.

Favorites are project area specific and only for global items (not for local configurations or external global configurations). You can see the favorite status of a global configuration from another project area (in the same repository), but you cannot change it.

The items are grouped by type (components, configurations, and queries) and ordered with the most recently added items first in the Favorites list. If you want, you can also reorder this list.

You can also view the top 10 of these favorite items on the banner menus under Favorites.

Browse configurations

Now you can browse configurations just like you browse components. Choose the artifact type to browse from the banner menu:

  • Global Configurations > Browse Configurations
  • Components > Browse Components

The Favorites and Recently Viewed categories are also added to the Browse Components page. Now you can also customize columns (attributes) shown in the matching results area. To show or hide columns, right-click the column headers or use the menu on the right. The chosen columns and their sort order are preserved when you come back to this page.

Tagging enhancements

Now tags are significantly enhanced, resulting in some changes to previous behavior.

Now you have better control of permissions for tags:

  • For finer control of tags, new Create tags and Rename tags permissions replace the earlier Create and rename tags permission.
  • To rename tags, now you only need the Rename tags permission. You no longer require permission to modify configurations or components.
  • A new Delete tag permission is also added. Although deleting a tag modifies an artifact, you don't need additional permission to delete tags.
The new Tag Manager role has all the permissions needed to work with tags (create, rename, and delete). When you upgrade from a previous release:
  • The Tag Manager role is added to existing project areas.
  • The Administrator and Configuration Lead roles are granted the new tag permissions as well.
  • The new Create tags and Rename tags permissions are assigned to all roles that already have Create and rename tags permission.
Creating tags up front

The Tags section used to display tags that were in use. Now it displays all tags, whether or not they're used.

You can now create tags up front in the Tags section on the Browse page; therefore, you can define tags before you assign them (rather than when you assign them) to components or configurations. Creating tags require the new Create tags permission. As before, you can also create tags when you edit a component or configuration as long as you have the Create tags permission.

Deleting and renaming tags
Earlier, the Tags section was available only for components, not configurations. But now it's available for both, and deleting and renaming tags affects both artifact types.

  • Rename Tags: Renaming affects only the tag, not the tagged artifact. Nothing is recorded in the artifact history, and the modified date does not change.
  • Delete Tags: Deleting first removes the tag from the components and configurations that use it and then deletes it. Although deleting a tag modifies an artifact, you don't need additional permission beyond the Delete Tags permission.
Filtering the tag tree
You can now filter tags using the Filter icon from the menu in the Tags section on the Browse page. You can choose any of these filters:
  • All Tags
  • Tags Used by Configurations or Tags Used by Components
  • Unused Tags
When you choose a filter, your choice persists across all sessions for that browser.

Combined RMM and EWM server

Rhapsody Model Manager is now provided as an extension for an Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) server, rather than as a separate Architecture Management application. This means that it is no longer necessary to maintain a separate RMM server, and you can now use a single CCM server to manage models, source code, and work items.

Overriding custom roles when applying shared process

After you create a project area, you can replace the current process with a shared process. In the current behavior, if the existing roles match a role in the new process, it is considered as custom; hence, the associated permissions are also considered as custom. When applying a shared process to an existing project area, you can either keep the existing roles and maintain the permissions as custom, or you can delete all the existing roles and revert all permissions as inherited.

New in other applications

For new and noteworthy information about other applications, see these pages:

For a list of changes to the installation and upgrade process, see the ELM 7.0 Installation and Upgrade Notes.

New in previous versions of Jazz Foundation

For details about new features and functionality in previous releases, see these pages: