1. Refine Stories
Discuss, rank, and estimate stories in the Team Backlog. Establish an initial understanding of
acceptance criteria.
a. Click Plans > Quick Planner > Iteration Planning .
b. In My Team Area, set the appropriate team.
c. If unable to view stories, the Categories have not been assigned to the teams. See Configure Team Area EWM
d. To modify rank, click and drag the work item up or down, or type a new number in the "rank" column.
e. To estimate the story points, click the right dropdown menu and assign story points.
See stories needing story points. Project Dashboards > All [Project name] Dashboards
> [Team Name] > Scrum Master tab
See Managing a Project with Quick Planner
Acceptance criteria can be added as text to the story. Some teams may want to define and link to
specific test cases.
2. Detail high ranked work items
Add detail to high ranked work items that are likely to be implemented in the next Sprint.
Hover over each of the work items and review the description. If it needs more detail,
click on the work item and make edits.
3. Ongoing
New issues, dependencies and stories are captured.
New work items can be added directly in QuickPlanner.
Click Plans > Quick Planner > Iteration Planning
Additionally, to create work items using the web client, see Creating work items in the web client.