Tool Mentor: Configure Team Area EWM
Configure a Engineering Workflow Management project area for a SAFe team.


Customize the team area, add additional team categories, customize dashboards and invite team members.


  • The program's project area has been configured.


1. Configure the team area

The Scrum Master is accountable for ensuring the team area is created and configured appropriately, however, these steps are often performed by a System team member or other shared resource.

Step Tool guidance

1. Create or rename existing Team Areas

The structure of the program teams is defined by a hierarchy of team areas. Several cross-functional teams can work in the same project area.

Customize/Create a team area for each team on the program (project).  The template provides a default dashboard that will be customized in later steps.

To Customize the Team Area:

  1. Click the Administration  icon and select Manage This Project Area. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads
  2. For the first two teams in the program, rename the team areas that were created by default.
    I n the Team Area Hierarchy area, select "Team 1 (rename)" and/or "Team 2 (rename)" and edit the names. Save Project Area.

To create a team area see Creating a team area.

2. Create or rename Categories and Associate with Project / Team Areas

Categories are used to group work items by code area, project component, or area of focus. Since different teams work on different code areas each team must have at least one category. Additional categories are optional.

Customize subcategories of the project area category, one or more categories for each team. Assign each category to the appropriate team.  If you assign a parent category to a team, the child categories are inherited by that team automatically.

Customize Categories:

  1. Click the Administration  icon and select Manage This Project Area. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads.
  2. Select Categories in the left pane. Notice that by default there is a category for the program and two sub-categories "Tream 1 (rename)" and "Team 2 (rename)".
  3. Double click a team category to rename it.
  4. Click the link to the right of each team category to associate a team area.  Click the team area and then click the Associate button.
  5. Save your changes. 

Create Categories:

  1. To add a new Category, in the Actions column, click the  then Add Category. Provide the Program name. Click OK.
  2. Repeat this process, clicking the  then Add Category in the Actions column to add categories for each of your teams.
  3. Click the link to the right of the category to associate a team area.  Click the team area and then click the Associate button. 
  4. Save your changes.  

You can now map work items to Team Areas by setting the Filed Against attribute to a category.   For more information see: Defining categories that work items can be filed against .

3. Invite team members

Add members to the teams with their respective roles.  Send invitations - Engineering Workflow Management will generate email with steps on how to join the newly created project area.

Adding and modifying users as members of project areas and team areas

4. Customize queries for the team

Copy existing project queries and add a team area condition to create the following queries, replacing <team> with the name of your team:

  • Stories that need story points – <team name>
  • Stories unasssigned (current sprint) – <team name>
  • Stories without children (current sprint) – <team name>
  • Stories (current sprint) - <team name>
  • Open risks - <team name>
  • Tasks without a parent work item – <team name>
  • Tasks without Owners - <team name>

Modify the query "Open risks - <team name>" to sort by exposure (High to Low).

The following queries are used in Conducting an Iteration Retrospective with Engineering Workflow Management.

For each team add a query, "Improvement Stories - <team name>" with the following conditions:

  • Parent condition, Parent > Type is Retrospective
  • Planned for condition, check Current Iteration box
  • Team area condition (set to the applicable team)
  • Type condition, select Story

For each team add a query, "Sprint Goals- <team name>" with the following conditions:

  • Type condition, select PI Objective
  • PI Objective Type condition, select Team
  • Planned for condition, check Current Iteration box
  • Team area condition (set to the applicable team)

Associate team-specific queries to your team area so that they are grouped together:

  • Click Details tab > Team and Project Area sharing > Add team or project area
Creating queries in the web client

5. Customize queries for the Scrum of Scrums

The following queries are used in Conducting a Scrum of Scrums Meeting with Engineering Workflow Management.

Add a query, "Accomplishments since last meeting  <team name>" with the following conditions:

  • Resolution Date condition, change "is" to "after (including)" 7 Days ago
  • Type condition, select Task
  • Team area condition (set to the applicable team)

Add a query, "Accomplishments from now to next meeting  <team name>" with the following conditions:

  • Due Date condition, change "is" to "before (including)" 7 Days from now
  • Status condition, check the Unresolved box
  • Type condition, select Task
  • Team area condition (set to the applicable team)                                      

Associate team-specific queries to your team area so that they are grouped together:

  • Click Details tab > Team and Project Area sharing > Add team or project area

Creating queries in the web client

2. Configuring the team dashboard

Refer to the SAFe Dashboard Configuration Guidelines .

3. Optional steps

1. (optional) Assign Scrum Master and Product Owner work items

If you previously created work items from the "Project initiation" work item template, you can now assign the remaining unassigned tasks from this template.

Assign either the Product Owner or the Scrum Master to each task, as specified in the process guidance.

Run the Tasks without Owners - <team name> query created earlier.

  • Click each unassigned task.
  • Click See detailed description to determine what role should perform (own) the work item.
  • Assign the work item to the team member performing that role.

If you are unable to see the tasks, make sure the Current Iteration is set in the Timelines section of the project area, and that the tasks are Planned for the current iteration.

2. (optional) Connect the Engineering Workflow Management Eclipse Client to the Project 

The Engineering Workflow Management Eclipse client supports some additional capabilities that are not available in the web client (e.g., delivering code changes, requesting new builds, importing work items).

Generally, non-software developers do not need the Eclipse client (the web client contains all the features they need). However, importing existing work into the backlog is a popular way to start a new project and that functionality is only available in the EWM Eclipse client.

Connect to the project area following the instructions in your invitation email (sent out in an earlier step).

Installing Engineering Workflow Management clients

Connecting the Engineering Workflow Management Eclipse client to the server

3. (optional) Define Defect "Found in" Values

Defects have a "Found in" attribute that can be used to categorize the defect by the kind of release in which it was found.
A candidate set of release kinds you could start with are:

  • Production
  • User Acceptance Test
  • Integration Test
  • Performance Test
  • Development
Defining releases in the web client that work items can be filed against