How to track submitted hours in Code review tool


In this article, I will explain you how to track submitted hours in Code review tool.

Step:1 First download the SCM utility from site

You also need to have at least one work item which is under code review. In my case it is 133797 work item id number.

Step:2 Once downloaded, extract the zip folder and navigate to following location using command line window (StartCommand Prompt on WIN OS)




Step:3 Set the command syntax :-
C:\Users\shaikri\Downloads\EWM-scmTools-Win64-7.0.2SR1\jazz\scmtools\eclipse>lscm.bat export code-review -r --json --queryId _PmlksKiDEe2_NcQQoKPR-A queryResult.json -u <Jazz.TestUser1> -P <type your password>

Where :-  – EWM/CCM application URL

–queryId – this you can get by going to work item query, refer step:4

queryResult.json – Output result file name. Type exactly the way it is, don’t give any other file name.

-u – <Your Jazz User-id> without brackets

-P – <Your Jazz Password> without brackets

Step:4 Create a Work Item Query

From Work Items menu, select Create Query

You need to give Work item query name and add simple condition/logic by clicking on Add Condition

In the search bar, type id, select that and click on add attribute condition.

Once done, click on Save.

Ex: In my case, Query name is Query-Id and Work item-id is 133797

Make a note, if you have multiple work items you can either add it in one single query or create multiple queries.


Once the Query is created, go back to Work Items menu and select My Queries

Click on the Query you have recently created

Ex: Query-Id

Copy the highlighted part which starts after =owned&queryItemId=_PmlksKiDEe2_NcQQoKPR-A

Make a note, each Work item query has its own unique id.

As you can see command is executed successfully.

Now, open the output result file. In my case it is queryResult.json

Ex:- C:\Users\shaikri\Downloads\EWM-scmTools-Win64-7.0.2SR1\jazz\scmtools\eclipse

Open queryResult.json file

Under “reviewers”

For each user check “suppliedDuration”.

Manually add up these values and you will get total review/submitted hours.

In my case Supplied Duration for each user is 1+2+3 = 6 is the total review efforts or submitted hours for Code Review.

For more information on Code review tool, please refer to following link :-

About the author

Riaaz Shaik has more than 12 years of experience in Rational/Jazz Tools. He is a Rational Certified professional and can be contacted at

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