Workaround: Install 4.0 license to complete the IBM Rational Requirements Composer on-line migration


The Rational Requirements Composer on-line migration requires a 4.0 RRC Analyst license. The Jazz Team Server 4.0 read-only mode now supports installing and assigning licenses.

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The 4.0 Trial licenses for which you have installed non-trial 3.X licenses will not be visible and therefore not available for completing the IBM Rational Requirements Composer on-line migration.

The IBM Rational Requirements on-line migration requires a 4.0 RRC Analyst license. The Jazz Team Server 4.0 read-only mode now supports installing and assigning licenses. This is especially important for customers who have their Jazz Team Server and Rational Requirements Composer applications installed in the same application server.

In all CLM upgrades, the Jazz Team Server is upgraded first. Once the Jazz Team Server is at version 4.0, 4.0 licenses can be installed. However, customers with both their Jazz Team Server and Rational Requiremens Composer applications installed in the same application server must perform the off-line upgrades for both before restarting these servers. Once the RRC application off-line upgrade is started, the JTS will be in read-only mode except that it will now allow 4.0 licenses to be installed. The Jazz Admin user performing the RM on-line migration must have a 4.0 RRC Analyst license to successfully complete the migration and take the JTS out of read-only mode.

If you are installing the same type of license (single authorized user, floating, token) as you used in version 3.x, the 4.0 licenses will automatically be given the same assignments as their 3.X counterparts. If you are installing a different type of license at 4.0, you can make assignments (including bulk assignments) while the JTS is in read-only mode. We recommend only doing the license work required to complete the RM on-line migration while the JTS is in read-only mode.

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