Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in Jazz Reporting Service 7.0

The following known problems are related to this release.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:


DCC shows old product names on the Resource Group Configuration page

First occurrence


When you upgrade the Data Collection Component to version 7.0, on the Resource Group Configuration page, you might see old product names or versions such as Rational DOORS Next Generation.


Complete these steps:
  1. Restart the Data Collection Component server while the ELM applications are running.
  2. Click the Load Jobs button.
  3. The correct product names, such as IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next, are displayed.
Related information
Work Item 486500

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Report Builder menu displays an error when ELM is installed and configured by using a two-server topology

First occurrence


When you install core applications of Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) on one server and Jazz Reporting Server (JRS) on another server, the Report Builder menu displays an error to indicate that the server is offline or unreachable.

Restart the server that hosts JRS.

Related information
Work Item 498501

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Report Builder widget does not load in Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) dashboards when viewed on Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

First occurrence

When you view ELM dashboards on the Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) browser, widgets that contain public reports that you create by using Report Builder do not load.

Complete one of these workarounds.

Workaround 1 (For web browsers)
Use a different browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

Workaround 2 (For web browsers)
  1. Start IE11 and press F12 to start Internet Explorer Developer Tools.
  2. On the Emulation tab, change the document mode from 10 to 11.
  3. Click the Persist Emulation Settings icon.
  4. Close Developer Tools. The page automatically renders in IE11 and loads the Report Builder widget.
Workaround 3 (For servers)
Complete these steps as an ELM administrator.

On WebSphere Application Server Liberty:       
  1. Stop the ELM server that hosts Report Builder.
  2. Edit the gadget-settings.js file available under Report Builder’s expanded war file in the application directory configured for the server. For example, <jazz Team server install dir>/server/liberty/servers/clm/apps/rs.war/js/min/gadget/gadget-settings.js.
  3. Replace the const g={} string with var g={}.
  4. Save the file and restart the server.
  5. Clear cache, restart IE11, and access the dashboard again.
On WebSphere Application Server:
  1. Stop Report Builder (rs.war) from the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) administrative console.
  2. Edit the gadget-settings.js file available under Report Builder’s expanded war file in the server’s profile_root/installedApps directory.
  3. Replace the const g={} string with var g={}.
  4. Save the file and start Report Builder (rs.war) from the WAS administrative console.
  5. Clear cache, restart IE11, and access the dashboard again.
Related information
Work Item 500041

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Workarounds: RM types are displayed as URLs in (LQE) Requirements trend report

First occurrence


If you are writing a requirements trend report for a LQE data source, the RM types might display as URLs instead of type names.
The problem is that there is a configuration missing which prevents the job that updates the type names from running. This problem might be seen in previous versions of this product.


Complete these steps:
  1. When you upgrade to the 7.0 release, run the LQE setup again for the history jobs to create that configuration.  To run the setup, open https://<server>:<port>/lqe/setup/history.
  2. If the setup is successful, you will see a “status: “OK”  message on the page.
  3. Run the metric jobs to trigger additional updates. It may take a couple of runs for the information to be completely updated.
Your reports should now show the correct type names.

Related information
Work Item 491432

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Timeout limits must be increased before metamodel refresh

First occurrence

For servers with many project areas, the Report Builder metamodel fails to refresh, because the “sparqlShapeTypes” type queries time out.

Increase the timeout limits to provide enough time for all the metadata to refresh.

Increase all the following timeout values to 1200 seconds. If the problem still persists, set them all to a higher value, such as 1800 seconds.
  • The value in the conf/rs/ file
  • The socketTimeout value in the conf/rs/ file
Note: Add + 1 to the query timeout value to set the socket timeout value. For instance, if the query timeout value is set to 1200, the socket timeout value must be 1201.
  • The query timeout value in LQE
  • The timeout value for any proxy server
Related information

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Registration with Jazz Team Server fails on Oracle when the context root identifier is too long

First occurrence

When you register Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) with Jazz Team Server, the setup fails on Oracle if the LQE context root identifier is longer than 5 characters.

Ensure that the LQE context root is 5 characters or less.

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Draft reports cannot be edited

First occurrence


If you build and edit a report and do not save it, the report is auto-saved in a draft state with a generated title and timestamp, but you cannot edit the draft later.

Complete these steps:
  1. Duplicate the draft report.
  2. Save the duplicate report with a new name.
  3. Delete the draft report.
  4. You can then edit the new report.
Related information
Work Item 465504

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Licensing errors might occur if you upgrade the Java environment or upgrade applications to version 6.0.5 or later

First occurrence


If you upgrade your version of Java to a fix pack that was built after April 2017, or you upgrade an application to version 6.0.5 or later and are using WebSphere Liberty, licensing errors might occur. The errors occur because earlier licenses were signed with the MD5 algorithm, which is now blocked by newer versions of Java.

For example, the License Key Management page for Jazz Team Server might display the following error in the Description field: CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. Similarly, the jts.log file might display the following error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key.

The latest license files no longer contain the MD5 algorithm because IBM and Oracle Java introduced restrictions on JAR files that are signed with weak algorithms and keys.

The licenses in the IBM License Key Center (formerly known as IBM Rational License Key Center) were updated to use a different signature algorithm.

After you upgrade your server to version 6.0.5 or later, obtain the updated licenses from the IBM License Key Center to replace your current licenses. If you previously used floating, token, or authorized user single install licenses, install their updated versions. Your existing user license assignments are kept during the installation of the updated licenses.

Important: If you are not upgrading all applications at the same time, you must apply an interim fix to the applications at earlier versions before you upgrade Jazz Team Server. The following interim fixes contain the compatible version of Java:
  • 6.0.4 interim fix 007 and later
  • 6.0.3 interim fix 010 and later
  • 6.0.2 interim fix 015 and later
  • No version of 5.0.2 contains a compatible Java version. For 5.0.2, complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article.
If you cannot apply the interim fix before the upgrade, upgrade Jazz Team Server and then complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article. If you do not apply the interim fix or complete the steps in the article, the internal licenses do not load on Jazz Team Server and the applications might experience issues.

To update your current license files, follow the instructions in the Interactive Upgrade Guide or complete the following steps based on the type of license:

For term (floating or authorized user) or token licenses:

Note: For token licenses, you are only required to download the file. You do not have to download the license.dat file because it does not contain changes.
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM License Key Center, under License Management, click Return Keys.
  3. Click the product link that you want to return the license keys for, and then click Return.
  4. After the license is returned, click Get Keys.
  5. Click the product link to generate licenses for.
  6. When prompted, provide the required information and click Generate.
  7. Download the  file that contains the new licenses.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
For non-term floating and authorized user licenses:
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM License Key Center, go to View keys by host or View keys by user.
  3. Enter the information about the host or the user.
  4. Select the product to generate the license for.
  5. Click View Licenses for Selected Product Lines.
  6. Select the license and click View Details.
  7. Click Download Keys.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
Note: If you imported trial licenses before the newer versions of Java were adopted, you might still receive errors in the jts.log file even after you import the updated licenses. For example, you might receive this error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key. You can ignore these errors.

Related information
IBM License Key Center
Interactive Upgrade Guide
Oracle release note: Restrict JARs signed with weak algorithms and keys

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Links in an exported Word document cause authentication errors

First occurrence


If you export a Report Builder report that contains hyperlinks to Microsoft Word, clicking a hyperlink in the exported Word document might fail and cause the following error after you complete the login for CLM (now known as ELM):
Invalid path to authentication servlet.

Complete the steps in the following article to add a registry key entry for Word, which enables you to successfully log in to CLM (now known as ELM) after clicking the hyperlink in the Word document:
Error message when clicking hyperlink in Office: “Cannot locate the Internet server or proxy server”

Related information
Work Item 414080

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Known issues in translated versions of ELM 7.0 documentation

First occurrence

  1. The table of contents for ELM 7.0 documentation on IBM Knowledge Center (KC) might display long navigation titles in place of short titles for content in languages other than English.
  2. The pre-release header, which is removed at GA, is still visible on the translated pages of ELM documentation on IBM KC.
Related information
Work Item 496011

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Refresh required on Format results tab before running graph format LQE reports

First occurrence

When you create an LQE report with graph as the default format, running the report without refreshing causes an error. Ensure that you refresh the Format results tab before you run the report.

Related information
Work Item 479139

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Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 is not supported as the runtime for CE/CLM (now ELM Extended/ELM) applications on a Windows platform

First occurrence


Continuous Engineering (CE) (now known as Engineering Lifecycle Management Extended (ELM Extended)) and Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) (now known as Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM)) applications on a Windows platform that run on Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 encounter null pointer exceptions and might not be usable. Use Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 11 ( or later as the runtime.

Related information
Work Item 455371
Work Item 452307
APAR IJ04429

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Ready-to-use reports might have untranslated columns when exported to another format

First occurrence


When you export a ready-to-use report to another format (for example Microsoft Word or PDF) in a non-English locale, the report might include extra non-translated columns. These reports often contain extra variables that are not displayed in Report Builder. When the report is exported, these hidden query variables are displayed as additional columns in the report and are not translated.

This problem does not affect ready-to-copy reports.

Related information
Work Item 414604

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Report Builder database backup cannot be disabled

First occurrence

Every six hours, the Report Builder database is backed up so that you can restore the data if an error occurs. You cannot disable the backup process.

Related information
Work Item 452514

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