Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in Rhapsody Model Manager 6.0.6
The following known problems are related to this release.
The following problems in this release have workarounds:
- Rational Rhapsody 8.3.1 and Rhapsody Design Manager are not updated from the server if you installed the feature to import Design Manager projects to Rhapsody Model Manager
- Rhapsody Model Manager displays unresolved OSLC links to remote artifacts
- Rhapsody Model Manager server and client require a locale setting for non-English support
- The Associate Change Request action in Rational Rhapsody requires a repository connection
- Licensing errors might occur if you upgrade the Java environment or upgrade applications to version 6.0.5 or later
- Rhapsody Model Manager cannot be registered on a CLM server upgraded to version 6.0.5 on WebSphere Application Server Liberty
- The Create Streams action for global configurations does not work for Rhapsody Model Manager snapshots
- The file path for the Rhapsody client on Windows is limited to 256 characters
- You cannot associate a change request when you delete an OSLC link from Rational DOORS Next Generation or Rational DOORS
The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:
- Architecture Management project areas are listed twice
- Some Rational Team Concert options must be turned off when you use Rhapsody Model Manager
- Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 is not supported as the runtime for CE/CLM applications on a Windows platform
- Rational Rhapsody client for Rhapsody Model Manager does not display link validity information
- Rhapsody Model Manager can only reference model data on a single server
- Rhapsody Model Manager components cannot be owned by specific users
- Java 7.1 SR4 FP10 is not supported
- Rhapsody Model Manager does not support link validity
- Rhapsody Model Manager is not supported in a Rhapsody Platform integration with Eclipse
- Rhapsody Model Manager is not supported with Rational Rhapsody in a Citrix environment
- Rhapsody Model Manager is not supported with Rational Rhapsody on a Linux operating system
- Rhapsody Model Manager shows dates in UTC
- Rhapsody Model Manager does not integrate with Rhapsody Gateway
Rational Rhapsody 8.3.1 and Rhapsody Design Manager are not updated from the server if you installed the feature to import Design Manager projects to Rhapsody Model Manager
First occurrence
If you install Rhapsody Model Manager, including the feature to import projects from Rhapsody Design Manager, and you open a Design Manager model in Rhapsody, the expected message that notifies you of updates to Rhapsody and the Design Manager client is not displayed.
In the rhapsody.ini file, change the EnableDmToRmmMigration value to FALSE, and open the Design Manager model again. After the updates are applied, change the value of EnableDmToRmmMigration back to TRUE.
Related information
Work Item 69619
Rhapsody Model Manager displays unresolved OSLC links to remote artifacts
First occurrence
If you open a Rhapsody Model element in the Rhapsody Model Manager property editor, you might see unresolved OSLC links to remote artifacts. This problem can happen when you navigate from another application to open a model, for example, from requirements in Rational DOORS Next Generation, or when you use a direct link to the model element without specifying the OSLC configuration context as a URI query parameter. Because Rhapsody Model Manager doesn’t have the OSLC configuration context, it can’t retrieve the details of remote artifacts.
On the toolbar, click the Current Configuration menu and select a configuration to work in. This action reloads the page in the correct configuration context.
Related information
Work Item 68657
The Rhapsody Model Manager server and client require a locale setting for non-English support
First occurrence
Rational Rhapsody elements for non-English labels display incorrectly in the Rhapsody Model Manager web interface, unless the correct locale is set on the client machine.
Manually set the locale on the client machine.
Related information
The Associate Change Request action in Rational Rhapsody requires a repository connection
First occurrence
If you want to associate a change request with a Rhapsody Model Manager change set that is in the Rational Rhapsody client, you must already have defined a Change and Configuration Management (CCM) repository connection in the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client. Otherwise, you get the following error:
Error while associating work item to change-set containing files
L:\Demo Sandbox\Model\Model_rpy;Pkg.sbsx
Failed to associate work-item https://server:9443/ccm/resource/itemName/ to change-set:
Repository connection was not found for work item identified by the following URL:
You need to create a new repository connection from the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client to the server that manages the work items:
1. Open the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client.
2. Create a new Jazz Repository Connection.
3. Specify the URI path to https://<server>:<port>/ccm/
Related information
Work Item 64639
Licensing errors might occur if you upgrade the Java environment or upgrade applications to 6.0.5
First occurrence
If you upgrade your version of Java to a fix pack that was built after April 2017, or you upgrade an application to version 6.0.5 or later and are using WebSphere Liberty, licensing errors might occur. The errors occur because earlier licenses were signed with the MD5 algorithm, which is now blocked by newer versions of Java.
For example, the License Key Management page for Jazz Team Server might display the following error in the Description field: CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. Similarly, the jts.log file might display the following error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key.
The latest license files no longer contain the MD5 algorithm because IBM and Oracle Java introduced restrictions on JAR files that are signed with weak algorithms and keys.
The licenses in the IBM Rational License Key Center were updated to use a different signature algorithm.
After you upgrade your server to version 6.0.5 or later, obtain the updated licenses from the IBM Rational License Key Center to replace your current licenses. If you previously used floating, token, or authorized user single install licenses, install their updated versions. Your existing user license assignments are kept during the installation of the updated licenses.
Important: If you are not upgrading all applications at the same time, you must apply an interim fix to the applications at earlier versions before you upgrade Jazz Team Server. The following interim fixes contain the compatible version of Java:
- 6.0.4 interim fix 007 and later
- 6.0.3 interim fix 010 and later
- 6.0.2 interim fix 015 and later
- No version of 5.0.2 contains a compatible Java version. For 5.0.2, complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article.
To update your current license files, follow the instructions in the Interactive Upgrade Guide or complete the following steps based on the type of license:
For term (floating or authorized user) or token licenses:
Note: For token licenses, you are only required to download the file. You do not have to download the license.dat file because it does not contain changes.
- Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
- In IBM Rational License Key Center, under License Management, click Return Keys.
- Click the product link that you want to return the license keys for, and then click Return.
- After the license is returned, click Get Keys.
- Click the product link to generate licenses for.
- When prompted, provide the required information and click Generate.
- Download the file that contains the new licenses.
- Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
- To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
- Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
- In IBM Rational License Key Center, go to View keys by host or View keys by user.
- Enter the information about the host or the user.
- Select the product to generate the license for.
- Click View Licenses for Selected Product Lines.
- Select the license and click View Details.
- Click Download Keys.
- Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
- To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
Related information
IBM Rational License Key Center
Interactive Upgrade Guide
Oracle release note: Restrict JARs signed with weak algorithms and keys
Rhapsody Model Manager cannot be registered on a CLM server upgraded to 6.0.5 on WebSphere Application Server Liberty
First occurrence
After you upgrade to 6.0.5, you must register Rhapsody Model Manager because it’s a new application that did not exist before 6.0.5. However, when you try to register, you get the following error:
The server could not access the discovery URL for the application. If you have configured a virtual host for an application, the virtual hostname must be used in the URL for the application. ID CRJAZ2081E
The working copy of the WebSphere Application Server Liberty configuration application.xml file, which is located in the <Installation Folder>/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf folder, does not contain an entry representing the Architecture Management (AM) application. You get this error because this configuration file was copied from the older version of the server, which is not aware of the new Rhapsody Model Manager application.
After the upgrade to 6.0.5 and before registering the Rhapsody Model Manager application, follow these steps:
1. Stop the server.
2. Open the <Installation Folder>/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/application.xml file in a text editor.
3. Add the following content before the “<!– Applications that delegate authentication to a JTS –>” comment:
<application type=”war” id=”am” name=”am” location=”${server.config.dir}/apps/am.war”>
<security-role name=”JazzAdmins”>
<group name=”JazzAdmins” />
<security-role name=”JazzProjectAdmins”>
<group name=”JazzProjectAdmins” />
<security-role name=”JazzUsers”>
<group name=”JazzUsers” />
<security-role name=”JazzGuests”>
<group name=”JazzGuests” />
4. Optional: If, during the installation, the default root context of the RMM application was changed, make the corresponding changes to the <application …> tag entry:
a) ID field
b) Name field
c) Name of the WAR file
5. Save the changes.
6. Start the server.
7. Register and configure the Rhapsody Model Manager application in the usual way.
Related information
Work Item 62574
The Create Streams action for global configurations does not work for Rhapsody Model Manager snapshots
First occurrence
If you include a Rhapsody Model Manager snapshot in a global configuration and you run the Create Streams operation from the Rhapsody Model Manager snapshot, you might get the following error message: CM provider does not support stream creation.
Manually remove the old stream and add the new stream.
Related information
Work Item 61489
The file path for the Rhapsody client on Windows is limited to 256 characters
First occurrence
It’s not possible to open and save a Rhapsody model to a path that is longer than 256 characters.
It’s recommended to use a short path to the RTC sandbox folder to avoid reaching 256 characters.
Related information
Work Item 62000
You cannot associate a change request when you delete an OSLC link from Rational DOORS Next Generation or Rational DOORS
First occurrence
When you create an OSLC link from Rational DOORS Next Generation or Rational DOORS to Rhapsody Model Manager, you can associate a change request to track corresponding modifications.
However, when you try to delete an existing OSLC link from Rational DOORS Next Generation or Rational DOORS, you don’t have this ability, because these applications do not provide a dialog box where you can select a change request.
If the Require Work Items and Comments precondition is selected on the server side for a given project area, deleting the link fails with an error message.
This workaround is available starting in 6.0.5 interim fix 001:
- Navigate from Rational DOORS Next Generation to Rhapsody Model Manager by clicking the OSLC link that you want to delete.
- In Rhapsody Model Manager, delete the existing OSLC link, and then you can select a change request to associate with the change set.
Work Item 62435
Architecture Management project areas are listed twice
First occurrence
When you associate a Global Configuration Management (GCM) project area with an Architecture Management project area, the target project areas are listed twice in the Add Association dialog box.
You can use either entry. You only need to create one association.
Related information
Some Rational Team Concert options must be turned off when you use Rhapsody Model Manager
First occurrence
When you use Rhapsody Model Manager, you must turn off the following source control options in your Rational Team Concert client:
- Auto-check-in local changes: To locate this option, click Window > Preferences > Team > Java Source Control > Check-in Policies.
- Allow modeling tools (e.g. UML) to participate in file content merging during Accept: To locate this option, click Window > Preferences > Team > Java Source Control > Model Enablement.
Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 is not supported as the runtime for CE/CLM applications on a Windows platform
First occurrence
Continuous Engineering (CE) and Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications on a Windows platform that run on Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 encounter null pointer exceptions and might not be usable. Use Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 11 ( or later as the runtime.
Related information
Work Item 455371
Work Item 452307
APAR IJ04429
Rational Rhapsody client for Rhapsody Model Manager does not display link validity information
First occurrence
In Rational Rhapsody, link validity status is not shown for OSLC links between model elements and artifacts in other applications.
Related information
Work Item 68818
Rhapsody Model Manager can only reference model data on a single server
First occurrence
You cannot have elements from different servers in the same model, either by reference or as external units.
Related information
Work Item 59546
Rhapsody Model Manager components cannot be owned by specific users
First occurrence
Any of these three roles can own a Rational Team Concert component:
- Project area
- Team area
- User
Related information
Work Item 61188
Java 7.1 SR4 FP10 is not supported
First occurrence
Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications that run on WebSphere Application Server Liberty ( and and that are configured with JRE 7.1 SR4 FP10 might crash. By default, versions 6.0.5 and later include a Java version that is stable.
Related information
Work Item 439584
Rhapsody Model Manager does not support link validity
First occurrence
Link validity status is not shown for OSLC links between Rhapsody Model Manager and artifacts in other applications. In other CLM applications, link validity indicates whether the contents of two artifacts meet the intended meaning of the link between the artfacts.
Related information
Work Item 59392
Rhapsody Model Manager is not supported in a Rational Rhapsody platform integration with Eclipse
First occurrence
You cannot use the Rational Rhapsody platform integration with Eclipse as a client for the Rhapsody Model Manager server.
You must use the stand-alone version of Rational Rhapsody that is not integrated with the Eclipse platform.
Related information
Work Item 62591
Rhapsody Model Manager is not supported with Rational Rhapsody in a Citrix environment
First occurrence
You cannot use Rhapsody Model Manager if Rational Rhapsody is running in a Citrix environment.
Related information
Work Item 69168
Rhapsody Model Manager is not supported with Rational Rhapsody client on a Linux operating system
First occurrence
You cannot use Rational Rhapsody on a Linux operating system as a client for the Rhapsody Model Manager server.
You must use Rational Rhapsody on a Windows operating system as a client for the Rhapsody Model Manager server.
Related information
Work Item 61483
Rhapsody Model Manager shows dates in UTC
First occurrence
Rhapsody Model Manager shows all dates in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and not in local times.
Related information
Work Item 69090
Rhapsody Model Manager does not integrate with Rhapsody Gateway
First occurrence
You cannot use Rational Rhapsody Gateway for models stored on the Rhapsody Model Manager server. To manage traceability for requirements, use the Remote Artifacts OSLC integration with Rational DOORS.
Related information
Work Item 69166
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