Jazz Library Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.5
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Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.5

The following known problems are related to this release.

Upgrading from a version 5 release

For details about known issues that relate to upgrading Rational DOORS Next Generation from a version 5 to a version 6 release, including specific defects and fixes, see the IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.x migration defects Flash article from IBM Support.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:


Licensing errors might occur if you upgrade the Java environment or upgrade applications to version 6.0.5 or later

First occurrence


If you upgrade your version of Java to a fix pack that was built after April 2017, or you upgrade an application to version 6.0.5 or later and are using WebSphere Liberty, licensing errors might occur. The errors occur because earlier licenses were signed with the MD5 algorithm, which is now blocked by newer versions of Java.

For example, the License Key Management page for Jazz Team Server might display the following error in the Description field: CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. Similarly, the jts.log file might display the following error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key.

The latest license files no longer contain the MD5 algorithm because IBM and Oracle Java introduced restrictions on JAR files that are signed with weak algorithms and keys.

The licenses in the IBM Rational License Key Center were updated to use a different signature algorithm.

After you upgrade your server to version 6.0.5 or later, obtain the updated licenses from the IBM Rational License Key Center to replace your current licenses. If you previously used floating, token, or authorized user single install licenses, install their updated versions. Your existing user license assignments are kept during the installation of the updated licenses.

Important: If you are not upgrading all applications at the same time, you must apply an interim fix to the applications at earlier versions before you upgrade Jazz Team Server. The following interim fixes contain the compatible version of Java:
  • 6.0.4 interim fix 007 and later
  • 6.0.3 interim fix 010 and later
  • 6.0.2 interim fix 015 and later
  • No version of 5.0.2 contains a compatible Java version. For 5.0.2, complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article.
If you cannot apply the interim fix before the upgrade, upgrade Jazz Team Server and then complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article. If you do not apply the interim fix or complete the steps in the article, the internal licenses do not load on Jazz Team Server and the applications might experience issues.

To update your current license files, follow the instructions in the Interactive Upgrade Guide or complete the following steps based on the type of license:

For term (floating or authorized user) or token licenses:

Note: For token licenses, you are only required to download the jazztokens.zip file. You do not have to download the license.dat file because it does not contain changes.
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM Rational License Key Center, under License Management, click Return Keys.
  3. Click the product link that you want to return the license keys for, and then click Return.
  4. After the license is returned, click Get Keys.
  5. Click the product link to generate licenses for.
  6. When prompted, provide the required information and click Generate.
  7. Download the  file that contains the new licenses.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
For non-term floating and authorized user licenses:
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM Rational License Key Center, go to View keys by host or View keys by user.
  3. Enter the information about the host or the user.
  4. Select the product to generate the license for.
  5. Click View Licenses for Selected Product Lines.
  6. Select the license and click View Details.
  7. Click Download Keys.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
Note: If you imported trial licenses before the newer versions of Java were adopted, you might still receive errors in the jts.log file even after you import the updated licenses. For example, you might receive this error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key. You can ignore these errors.

Related information
IBM Rational License Key Center
Interactive Upgrade Guide
Oracle release note: Restrict JARs signed with weak algorithms and keys

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An error is displayed when you view graphical artifacts on WebSphere Application Server

First occurrence

If you use WebSphere Application Server and attempt to view graphical artifacts by using the Rational DOORS Next Generation graphical artifact converter application, the following error message might be displayed:

CRRRW8010E The content that you requested could not be generated. The converter application encountered an error that prevented the graphical content from being created or retrieved. This is usually caused by a configuration error for the converter application. It may have missing dependencies or was not started correctly. Ask your administrator to verify the converter application was correctly installed and configured.

If you view the converter diagnostics page at https://<converter_server_name>:<converter_server_port>/converter/htmlgen and any tests do not pass, this error is likely a result of a common configuration error. However, if all the tests on the diagnostics page pass, the following workaround might resolve the issue.

On WebSphere Application Server, add the InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException session management custom property:
  1. Navigate to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers.
  2. Click the name of the server that contains the converter application and, in the Container Settings section, click Session management.
  3. In the Additional Properties section, click Custom properties.
  4. Click New and enter the following information:
    Name: InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException
    Value: true
  5. Click Apply and save directly to the master configuration.
Related information
Work Item 123130
Work Item 117607
Requirements Management (RM) Converter application configuration and troubleshooting guide

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In Google Chrome, extra white space and horizontal scroll bars might appear in modules if you use non-default zoom levels

First occurrence

When you use Google Chrome to view modules, you might see extra white space between module artifacts and unexpected horizontal scroll bars on artifacts when you use a zoom level other than the default setting.

Web browsers handle zooming differently, and this issue appears to be unique to Chrome. A few factors can influence this behavior, such as the browser window size and the screen resolution, so the zoom level at which these issues occur varies.

Complete these steps:
  1. Reset the browser zoom level.
  2. Refresh the page.
Related information
Work Item 119214

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If you have only team area permissions for a folder and add a new artifact to a module in the folder, the artifact is not editable in the module

First occurrence

If you are a member of a team area only, and a folder is assigned to that team, you have write access to the folder. However, if you add a new artifact to a module in that folder, the newly added artifact is not editable in the module.

Create artifacts outside the module, and then insert existing artifacts into the module.

Related information
Work Item 119087

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Filtering large numbers of artifacts across CLM products might be slow or time out

First occurrence


If you filter data that involves other CLM products and that includes a large number of artifacts, the query might be slow or time out. This issue is more likely to happen when a large number of artifacts is filtered to a very small result set, such as fewer than 25 rows.

If the filter times out, first increase the grid view Rows Per Page setting:

1. From the grid’s Configure Page Settings drop-down menu, select the first item: Show 25 Rows Per Page.
2. Change this value to 200 rows.

If you still experience timeouts, increase the query timeout setting:

1. Open /rm/admin and select Advanced Properties in the left sidebar.
2. Locate the query.client.timeout setting and increase it to 2 minutes.

Related information
Work Item 114596 

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Link columns might not display links if the link type has a URI defined

First occurrence

Some link columns might not display any link results when you navigate the grid, such as for artifacts, collections, and modules. This issue only affects links when a user-defined owl:sameAs value is specified for the corresponding link type. This value is labeled as the “URI” in the link type editor. The link must also follow a specific pattern and, typically, a server rename operation has occurred.  Also, since the cause has been fixed in version 6.0.5, this is only applicable to this category of URIs that were created using versions 4.0.5 – 6.0.4 (inclusive).

This issue often occurs when the URI is added to the link type after a server rename operation. The URI must also start with the renamed server’s public URL up to, but not including, the application context root. For example, if you access Rational DOORS Next Generation by using the public URL https://jazz.net/rm/web, the link type URI must start with https://jazz.net/.

When these conditions occur, the URI is corrupted in the query triplestore, which causes link queries not to return results for those link types. The link types editor might continue to display the URI properly, but subsequent renaming events might cause problems in the editor, as well.

Any project templates that were created will store the badly formed URIs for the link types. Therefore, when you create a new project from a template, the new project might display the wrong URI in the link type editor. Similar issues such as missing links in the grid might also occur in the new project. In this case, the field will only be correct if the public URI of the server where the template is deployed matches the public URI that was used at the time the template was created.

Although this issue occurs when the type is edited after a server rename operation, similar problems have also been observed when the URI is added before a server rename. In general, if a URI is added to a type and follows the specified pattern, it can cause different issues throughout the product. Issues have been confirmed with project templates and with link columns; however, these conditions might also affect Lifecycle Query Engine-based reporting, ReqIF import operations, and cross-component or cross-project linking. Some cases do not involve server rename operations, such as creating project templates when such URIs exist.

You might want to check other types that include a URI that meets the specified conditions, such as artifact types, artifact attributes, and attribute data types. These items will likely have similar issues if they have the same URI pattern and include a server rename operation. The symptoms might vary depending on the use case. The general impact is that user-defined owl:sameAs URI might cause issues in various ways.

The cause of this defect has been addressed.  However, these URIs might still be improperly stored in both the Jena index and the database.  They might also still be incorrect in project templates.  In order to fully correct the data, please complete the steps in the following workaround.

To correct issues with pre-existing data, complete these steps:
  1. Load any types that might have had such a URI defined in the past (especially link types, since they have known issues).
  2. Even if the URI looks okay in the editor, make a modification to the type and save it. For example, add a space to the description.
The links of that corresponding type should now be properly displayed on the grid.

To correct issues in project templates that might contain a corrupted URI:
  1. After you complete the previous steps to fix issues with the types, regenerate the template.
  2. Delete any old templates that reference the value.
Alternatively, you can continue to use the project template. However, you should check the URI on any of the types in the newly deployed projects from that template.

Related information
Work Item 113998
Work Item 55952
Best Practice: Enable Users to Specify URIs for Custom Attributes and Values

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Copying and pasting artifacts in a module might cause display issues

First occurrence

When you copy and paste artifacts in a module, the browser might not display them correctly, content might be hidden, and you might not be able to refresh the application or make other changes. This problem is caused by a browser timing issue. The artifacts are properly pasted on the server and the issues are corrected after a browser refresh.

Refresh the browser. Refreshing the application does not solve the issue.

Related information
Work Item 119145

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Exporting to CSV, XLS, or XLXS formats doesn’t work when the Validity Summary column is included

First occurrence

If the Validity Summary column is included in a view and you export to CSV, XLS or XLXS format, the export process fails without a warning.

Remove the Validity Summary column from the view before exporting.

Related information
Work Item 119246
Exporting requirements artifacts to CSV and spreadsheet files

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Linking Design Management models to Requirements Management artifacts can fail if a traceability view is selected

First occurrence

In projects that are enabled for configuration management, a link from a Design Management model to a Requirements Management artifact can fail if you select a traceability view. This issue is caused by a problem with the link validity feature.

Create the link from the Requirements Management artifact to the Design Management model without selecting a view. The view selection causes the problem.

Related information
Work item 115850

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Full-text search might be slow and time out for wide searches in large projects

First occurrence


Text searches for frequently occurring words (wide searches) can be slow in very large projects. Searching for a term as frequently used as “the” in a project with more than 500,000 artifacts might exceed the default 30-second timeout. The frequency of the search term is the main factor that determines the search speed.

Set the following JVM system property or WebSphere Application Server custom property: com.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.search.disable.bulk=true

After you set the property, the first wide search after a server restart is very slow, but subsequent searches benefit from caching and are fast. For example, in a project with more than a million artifacts and a search term with more than a million occurrences, the initial search might take up to an hour to complete, but subsequent searches take seconds.

For WebSphere Liberty, complete these steps:
1. Open the server.startup script in a text editor.
2. At the end of the list of set JAVA_OPTS statements, add the following line: set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcom.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.search.disable.bulk=true

If you use WebSphere Application Server, set the JVM custom property named com.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.search.disable.bulk to true.

Related information
Work Item 113615

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Delivering a large number of change sets might take a long time

First occurrence


When you deliver a very large number of change sets (typically over 100,000), the client can take a long time to marshal the selected change sets. This delay occurs after the first step in the wizard, when you select the change sets to deliver.

Deliver the change sets between streams in smaller sets.

Related information
Work Item 113080

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Searches that contain an underscore character might not return the correct results

First occurrence

If you perform a text search that contains an underscore character, the search might not return the results that you expect. This issue occurs because the underscore character was previously treated as a whitespace character.

Starting in version 6.0.4, searches that contain the underscore character should work properly. However, if you upgrade or migrate data from a release earlier than 6.0.4, an administrator must reindex the text indexes. This operation can take a significant amount of time depending on the repository size.

For details about reindexing only the text store indexes, see Repository tools command to regenerate indexes. For a quick summary of reindexing only the text store indexes, see the following examples.

Open a command prompt and enter the following command:
cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\
repotools-rm.bat -reindex teamserver.properties=conf\rm\teamserver.properties scope=search

Note: Remember to include scope=search; otherwise, the Jena triplestore will be indexed and the process will take much longer.

Open a command prompt and enter the following command:
cd opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/
./repotools-jts.sh -reindex teamserver.properties=conf/jts/teamserver.properties scope=search

Note: Remember to include scope=search; otherwise, the Jena triplestore will be indexed and the process will take much longer.

Related information
Repository tools command to regenerate indexes
Work Item 106509

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Jazz Reporting Service reports do not show requirement relationships when a module or collection is created from a component or project template

First occurrence


When you use Jazz Reporting Service to report on requirements in modules or collections that were created from a project template, the relationship might not appear in the report.

Use the Tracked Resource Set (TRS) debugging tools to publish the configuration contents:
  1. As a JazzAdmin user, navigate to https://server/rm/admin and select the Debug pane.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, select Tracked Resource Set.
  3. Enter the full URL for the configuration that has missing relationships, and select Publish Configuration Contents. Ensure that you only do this once.
    Note: You can select the configuration URL from the browser address bar when you are browsing the specific project, component, or configuration that has missing relationships (the vvc.configuration URL parameter).
  4. Wait for the Lifecycle Query Engine to update and then run the report again.
Related information
Work Item 111832

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Japanese or simplified Chinese characters are displayed incorrectly in PDF documents

First occurrence

If you view a PDF document in Rational DOORS Next Generation, the browser incorrectly displays Japanese or simplified Chinese characters as blank squares. This issue occurs with some versions of Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer, and might occur with other browsers.

  • Ensure that Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed and that the appropriate browser plug-in is configured (such as the Adobe PDF Plug-in for Firefox, or ActiveX for Internet Explorer).
  • Use the 32-bit edition of Firefox; the 64-bit edition does not support the Adobe PDF Plug-in.
Related information
Work Item 107842

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Copying and pasting cells from Microsoft Excel does not retain cell borders

First occurrence

When you copy bordered cells from Microsoft Excel, the borders are lost when you paste the cells into the rich-text editor.

Complete these steps:
  1. Open the context menu for the pasted Excel data.
  2. Click Table Properties and set the Border Size attribute to 1.
Related information
Work Item 122015

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Comments widget on a personal dashboard displays an incorrect label for the Configuration setting

First occurrence

If a personal dashboard is migrated from version 6.0 or an earlier release to version 6.0.1 or later, and it contains a Comments widget for a project that is enabled for configuration management, the label for the Configuration setting is displayed as $viewlet.prefs.configuration instead of Configuration.

Delete the Comments widget from the personal dashboard and then add it again.

Related information
Work Item 100741

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Errors are displayed during TRS rebase operations if timeouts occur

First occurrence


If you perform a Tracked Resource Set (TRS) 1.0 or TRS 2.0 rebase operation on a large Rational DOORS Next Generation repository, you might receive an error stating that the rebase operation could not be completed successfully. The error does not always mean that the rebase operation failed. In some cases, the error is caused by a timeout.

To examine the actual status of a rebase operation, go to the TRS management page, scroll to the Tracked Resource Sets Status section, and click Status Refresh to update the status of the operation.

Related information
Work Item 101420
Work Item 100622
Work Item 111679

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During the CSV import process, artifacts that were partially removed cannot be reinserted into a module

First occurrence

When you import CSV files, you cannot reinsert an artifact into a module if the artifact was partially removed; that is, the base artifact reference still exists in the project. The import process is only intended for creating new entries or for updating attributes for an artifact that is already part of the module.

To reinsert an artifact into a module, use the artifact grid in the web client.

Related information
Work Item 118894

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Page Up and Page Down keys do not work properly when you edit an artifact in Mozilla Firefox


First occurrence




In Mozilla Firefox, when you inline edit artifact content in a module, the Page Up and Page Down keys do not work.  When you edit artifact content in the full text editor, Page Up will page to the top of the document and Page Down will page to the bottom of the document.



Use these techniques to move the cursor:

  • Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move up or down.

  • While in-line editing, press Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End to move to the beginning or end of the text.

Related information

Work Item 120350

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Report Builder might not show the correct artifacts when multiple RM servers with different contexts are registered to LQE

First occurrence

When multiple Requirements Management (RM) servers are registered to the same instance of Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE), and the public URLs for the RM servers do not use the same context (such as /rm), Report Builder might not show artifacts or might show duplicate instances of artifacts. For example, these issues might occur:
  • Requirement shapes might not be present in Report Builder for some of the RM servers
  • Requirement shapes might be listed multiple times, which makes it hard to determine which one to select
Note: This issue does not occur in environments with a single RM server or with multiple RM servers that use the same context.

Set the same context (such as /rm) on each RM server. This action requires a server rename. For details, see the server rename documentation. After the server rename, you must perform a full TRS 2.0 rebase to add the DNG Resources data source back to LQE.

Note: This workaround does not apply to RM servers that use different contexts but use the same host name and port to differentiate the public URIs. For example, this workaround does not apply if two servers are identified as https://rm.server.com/rm and https://rm.server.com/rm2.

Related information
Work Item 122892

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Report Builder reports and LQE queries might show incorrect link validity status when using the query provided in IBM Knowledge Center

First occurrence


Report Builder reports and Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) queries that use the query in Reporting on link validity status in CLM projects in IBM Knowledge Center might not return the correct link validity status.

To get correct results, you must update the query. The changes to make depend on which version of the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) you use.
See Workaround 1 if your Requirements Management (RM) installation does not include the update from RM Work Item 115834 or if you use the following CLM versions:
  • 6.0.4 before interim fix 4
  • 6.0.3 before interim fix 8
  • 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 GA or any interim fix level
See Workaround 2 if you use the following CLM versions:
  • GA or any interim fix
  • 6.0.5 GA or any interim fix
  • 6.0.4 interim fix 4 or later
  • 6.0.3 interim fix 8 or later

Workaround 1
The query in the Knowledge Center topic includes the following SPARQL statement:

BIND( IF (CONTAINS(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver, “/core/”), IRI(strbefore(str(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver), “/core/”)), ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver) as ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_validityVer)

The CONTAINS method must be invoked on a string literal, not a URI or IRI data type. Update the statement as shown in bold text below:

BIND( IF (CONTAINS(str(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver), “/core/”), IRI(strbefore(str(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver), “/core/”)), ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver) as ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_validityVer)

Workaround 2
Several updates to the link validity feature, such as
Work Item 115834, have been delivered since version 6.0.3 GA. If your installation includes these updates and you use the query in Reporting on link validity status in CLM projects, report results might indicate that some links are suspect when they are actually valid or invalid. For links between RM artifacts, you might see multiple matches for the same two artifacts or incorrect validity status.

Based on your project needs, modify the query as described in the following scenarios.
  • Scenario A: Reporting on link validity status for links between QM and RM artifacts
  • Scenario B: Reporting on link validity status for links between RM artifacts

Scenario A: Reporting on link validity status for links between QM and RM artifacts
The Knowledge Center query includes the following SPARQL code:

BIND( IF (CONTAINS(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver, “/core/”), IRI(strbefore(str(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver), “/core/”)), ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver) as ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_validityVer)
   ?rqm_merged_QMTestCase1_ver <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_validityVer <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateSourceHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateTargetHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#status> ?status_enum .
BIND (IF (!bound(?status_enum), “Suspect”, ?status_enum) as ?validity_status)

To get the correct link validity status, remove the BIND statement and update the second line of the OPTIONAL clause as shown in bold text below:

   ?rqm_merged_QMTestCase1_ver <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateSourceHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateTargetHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#status> ?status_enum .
BIND (IF (!bound(?status_enum), “Suspect”, ?status_enum) as ?validity_status)

Scenario B: Reporting on link validity status for links between RM artifacts
As mentioned above, the Knowledge Center query includes the following SPARQL code:

BIND( IF (CONTAINS(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver, “/core/”), IRI(strbefore(str(?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver), “/core/”)), ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_ver) as ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_validityVer)
   ?rqm_merged_QMTestCase1_ver <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?oslc_rm_Requirement1_validityVer <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateSourceHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateTargetHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#status> ?status_enum .
BIND (IF (!bound(?status_enum), “Suspect”, ?status_enum) as ?validity_status)

To get the correct link validity status, remove the BIND statement (it no longer applies) and modify the OPTIONAL clause as shown in bold text below:

     Note: This scenario includes the updates from Scenario 1 and other changes such as scoping the link type to handle links between RM artifacts.

   ?merge_rm_Requirement1_ver <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?merge_rm_DesignDocumentation1_ver <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#contentHash> ?targetHash .

   #### Scope by link type to return correct link validity status: #####
   ### Add link type URIs to a new binding (link between artifacts of interest – the one with link validity set)
      ?dng_link_type_Dependency2 owl:sameAs <http://yourhost.com/dng/link-type/Dependency>.
   } UNION {
      BIND(<http://yourhost.com/dng/link-type/Dependency> as ?dng_link_type_Dependency2)
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri dcterms:type ?dng_link_type_Dependency2 .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateSourceHash> ?sourceHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#validateTargetHash> ?targetHash .
   ?ns_validity__ValidityLink1_uri <http://jazz.net/ns/validity#status> ?status_enum .
BIND (IF (!bound(?status_enum), “Suspect”, ?status_enum) as ?validity_status)

The link type should have a sameAs property or URI defined, such as http://yourhost.com/dng/link-type/Dependency. Replace that property or URI with the URI defined for your specific link type. Ensure that you bind it with a binding or variable that is not used elsewhere in the query. In this example, the variable or binding is ?dng_link_type_Dependency2. The variable ?dng_link_type_Dependency is not used because Report Builder already has constraints on that binding.

After you change the query, to report on link status between RM artifacts, you can follow the other steps in Reporting on link validity status in CLM projects.

Related information
Work Item 129439
Work Item 115834

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In some browsers, images cannot be pasted from the clipboard into an artifact

First occurrence

In Rational DOORS Next Generation, whether a clipboard image can be pasted into an artifact is limited by how the browser processes the clipboard data.

Currently, pasting clipboard images into artifacts is only supported in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Chromium Edge. These browsers process the image data in a way that enables Rational DOORS Next Generation to create an uploaded image artifact for the pasted data. Pasting images in Mozilla Firefox is supported for Rational DOORS Next Generation 4.0.1 and later. Pasting images in Google Chrome is supported for Rational DOORS Next Generation 5.0 and later. 

The ability to paste images is also limited by the external application from which the image is being copied. The external application must put the copied image data onto the system clipboard in a way that enables the browser to process the data.

To paste a clipboard image into an artifact in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Safari browsers, you must upload the image as an artifact and paste it into the field by using the Insert Image menu option.

Related information
Work Item 91314
Work Item 99618
Work Item 69411
Work Item 84016

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The Alt+e keyboard shortcut does not insert the euro sign in the Module editor

First occurrence

When you edit artifacts in the Module editor, typing the Alt+e keyboard shortcut opens the Add Existing Artifact dialog box instead of inserting the euro sign into the rich text.

To insert the euro sign, hold the Alt key and type 0128 on the numeric keypad.

Related information
Work Item 95144

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Table cells are pasted incorrectly from Microsoft Word when “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” is selected

First occurrence

In Microsoft Word, if you copy a table that has the “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” check box selected in the table properties, and then paste the table into an artifact in Rational DOORS Next Generation, the table cells are pasted incorrectly. For example, all table cells are header cells.

Complete one of the following steps:
  • In Microsoft Word, select only the first row of the table and apply the “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” option to that row, instead of to the whole table.
  • In Rational DOORS Next Generation, after the table is pasted, edit the cell type in the cell properties to apply the correct type.
Related information
Work Item 97296

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Large change set deliveries on Db2 databases might fail with an SQL error

First occurrence

Delivering a change set with over 45,000 items can fill the Db2 database transaction log space, and cause the delivery to fail with an SQL error. The following SQL error codes are logged in the Requirements Management (RM) server rm.log file: Error: SQLCODE=-1476, SQLSTATE=40506, SQLERRMC=-964. The default Db2 transaction log space is sufficient for change sets with 45,000 items, but log space must be increased for larger change sets.

Complete these steps to double the size allowance for change sets:
  1. Stop the RM server.
  2. Increase the database LOGPRIMARY setting to 40.
  3. Increase the database LOGSECONDARY setting to 40.
  4. Restart the DB2 server.
  5. Start the RM server.
Related information
Work Item 343765 
Work Item 94922

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During an upgrade, the CRJAZ0554I timeout error might occur

First occurrence

During an upgrade, you might receive the following error, which indicates a timeout issue:

CRJAZ0554I Unable to get the necessary lock in 30000 milliseconds.

Complete one or both of the following workarounds:
  • Increase the timeout value to 60 seconds. In either the Advanced Properties or the teamserver.properties file, set the following property: com.ibm.team.repository.rdb.mediator.pool.wait=60000
  • Rebuild the database indexes by running the -rebuildIndices command.
Related information
Work Item 404381
Repository tools command to rebuild database indexes

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Links between artifacts in Rational DOORS 9 and Rational DOORS Next Generation do not work as expected when configuration management is enabled

First occurrence

When configuration management is enabled in Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, links to artifacts in Rational DOORS 9 do not work as expected because Rational DOORS does not support configurations.

Instead of linking, use Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) to transfer Rational DOORS 9 requirements into specific Rational DOORS Next Generation streams.

Related information
Work Item 97418
Considerations for enabling configuration management

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Modules imported into a change set using ReqIF, discarded, and then reimported cannot be delivered

First occurrence

If you import a module into a change set by using ReqIF, discard the change set, and then import the same module into another change set in the same project, the delivery wizard reports a problem when you attempt to deliver the change set by using the Standard delivery option. The delivery fails because a problem is found with the module in the change set, although it appears fine in the interface.

Select the Express delivery option.

Related information
Work Item 123521

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Rational RequisitePro baselines cannot be imported

First occurrence

When you import Rational RequisitePro baseline .zip files into Rational DOORS Next Generation, the following issues might occur:

Issue 1
If you import a Rational RequisitePro baseline .zip file and Rational DOORS Next Generation does not support the compression method, the following error is displayed:
The Exception occurred while extracting invalid compression method Rational RequisitePro project baseline file cannot be uploaded.

The baseline .zip file is uploaded, but problems occur when you extract the compressed files. The following compression methods are known to cause this issue:
  • Deflate64
  • bzip2
  • LZMA
  • PPMd

Issue 2
If you import a Rational RequisitePro baseline .zip file with file names that contain non-ASCII characters, and the file name encoding does not support those characters, the following error is displayed:
The CRRRS9239E Error occurred while extracting the baseline archive. One of the reasons for this error could be that the baseline has the file names with non-ASCII characters and archive was not created with the option to use the UTF-8 encoding for file names. Please use an archive tool that supports creating an archive with the option of using UTF-8 encoding for the file names. Rational RequisitePro project baseline file cannot be uploaded.

Complete these steps:
1. Ensure that the compression method for the files in the baseline .zip file is DEFLATE. To check the compression method, use a tool such as the zipinfo command line utility.
2. Ensure that the file name encoding in the baseline .zip file is UTF-8.

Related information
Work Item 113235
Work Item 89957
Create a baseline archive file with encoded (UTF-8) file names

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Embedded images, artifacts, and content is not visible if it is imported into a project or component where it does not exist

First occurrence

If you try to import embedded artifacts, images, and content that is not part of the configuration for the project or component where the import process is being executed, those items are not visible in the current configuration, and the following message is displayed: The resource for this embedded image no longer exists or is not visible in the given configuration.

Related information
Work Item 121294

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Java 7.1 SR4 FP10 is not supported

First occurrence

Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications that run on WebSphere Application Server Liberty ( and and that are configured with JRE 7.1 SR4 FP10 might crash. By default, versions 6.0.5 and later include a Java version that is stable.

Related information
Work Item 439584

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Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 is not supported as the runtime for CE/CLM applications on a Windows platform

First occurrence


Continuous Engineering (CE) and Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications on a Windows platform that run on Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 encounter null pointer exceptions and might not be usable. Use Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 11 ( or later as the runtime.

Related information
Work Item 455371
Work Item 452307
APAR IJ04429

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The Review Comments column is not displayed in printed module reports

First occurrence

If you create a report for a module in a table format and the report includes the Review Comments column, that column is not displayed when you print the module report. The column is excluded because the printed version does not show the correct information.

Related Information
Work item 112553
Work item 112691

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Exporting modules into CSV or Microsoft Excel files only exports module artifacts

First occurrence


When you export modules from a module view or from only a module structure, the export process does not include base artifact information. In the context of a module, the export options are intended only for module artifacts or bindings.

To export artifact information into a CSV or Microsoft Excel file, you must export directly from a folder where the target is located.

Related information
Work Item 116896

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Artifacts with only review comments are not included when you sort the Comments column

First occurrence

This behavior occurs only in projects that are not enabled for configuration management. When you sort the Comments column to display artifacts with comments, artifacts that have only review comments are not sorted in the correct order. Only comments other than review comments are sorted as expected.

Related information
Work Item 112750

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Editing attributes for multiple artifacts in a module takes a long time to save

First occurrence

When you bulk edit attributes in a module, the save operation can take a long time and prevent other actions in the application while the operation is in progress.

Related information
Work Item 117890

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The PDF viewer is still usable when the “Upload file” dialog box is active in Microsoft Internet Explorer

First occurrence

In all supported versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11, if you upload a new version of a PDF artifact, the “Upload file” dialog box opens, but you can continue to perform actions in the PDF viewer, such as scrolling, selecting text, or changing the zoom value.

Related information
Work Item 105021

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Jazz Reporting Service reports built by using Lifecycle Query Engine do not display tags for requirements

First occurrence

If you use Lifecycle Query Engine to build a Jazz Reporting Service report, any tags that are associated with requirements in Rational DOORS Next Generation are not displayed in the report.

Related information
Work Item 104934

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Symbols or special characters are not displayed in reports

First occurrence

When you create reports for rich text artifacts that include symbols or special characters, the symbols or special characters might not be displayed in the report if the reporting font does not support them.

Related information
Work Item 101931

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ReqIF imports of links and views into parallel configurations are not supported

First occurrence

You cannot import links and views into parallel configurations of a project or component. Links and views are not imported if they were already imported into another configuration in that project.

Do not attempt to manually re-create links or views that were disallowed, because they will not replace the originals and will cause duplicate resources if you export them.

Do not include links or views in packages that are intended for parallel import: explicitly excluding them from the package makes it clear that they will not be shared.

A parallel import occurs when a ReqIF package is imported into more than one configuration of a project or component. It also occurs when a resource is included in two packages and those packages are imported into two configurations of the same project.

Before version 6.0.5, parallel imports were not supported. In version 6.0.5, more ReqIF operations are available for multiple-configuration environments.

ReqIF maintains metadata that is generated during import and export operations, and exists at the project scope. When a ReqIF import is performed in a change set and that change set is discarded, the metadata persists: any subsequent import into another configuration in that project is treated as a parallel import. Similarly, if a ReqIF import is applied and its content is deleted, any subsequent import into another configuration is treated as a parallel Import. Be aware that these subsequent import operations are subject to parallel import rules.

Related information
Story 115235
Story 115631

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Microsoft Visio VDX and VSDX file formats have limited or no support for uploaded file previews

First occurrence

The Microsoft Visio file formats that are XML-based, such as VDX and VSDX, lack support for uploaded file previews. For example, the VDX format has no support for file previews. A possible workaround is to convert the file to a different, older Visio format such as VSD. VSDX files have limited support for file previews; they cannot be rendered as thumbnail images. This means that a preview is not available when embedding the file as an artifact, when performing rich hover, when viewing it in a module, or from reports on that artifact. The only support for VSDX files is for viewing the artifact in full-screen mode or directly opening the artifact in Microsoft Internet Explorer with the Visio plug-in installed.

Related information
Work Item 97340
Work Item 98831
Save a Visio file in the older .vsd format
Microsoft Visio Compatibility Pack

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Quick Search results do not correctly include artifacts that have a format of Diagram

First occurrence

If you use the Quick Search feature to search for artifacts that contain a specific string, the search results do not correctly include artifacts that have a format of Diagram. Search strings that are part of the first or last word of a plain text label or search strings that are part of a rich text label are not found.

Related information
Work Item 90550

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ReqIF import feature does not support importing data into multiple configurations of a project

First occurrence

The ReqIF import feature does not support importing the same data item into multiple configurations (streams and change sets) of a single project or project component.

This means that a ReqIF package should not be imported into more than one configuration of a project. It also means that different ReqIF packages that contain the same artifact should not be imported into more than one configuration of the same project.

For example, a module should not be imported into the initial stream of a project and also into a child stream of that project. Similarly, a module should not be imported into two separate change sets in the same project.

The ReqIF feature maintains metadata on all data items that it encounters and the metadata is scoped to a single project (or project component): this metadata is not user-visible. Data items that are handled by ReqIF have a unique identity that is known to the feature and maintained by the application. This identity is used during ReqIF import operations to indicate the lifecycle of a data item and to manage appropriate actions for that an item during the import process.

Both ReqIF and the configuration management capabilities manage changes to data, but are intended for different scenarios and work in different ways. The configuration management capabilities are intended for data changes within projects, while ReqIF is intended for exchanging data between projects and between data repositories. The ReqIF specification does not include the concept of configurations, and the interoperation of these features is not recommended.

Related information
Work Item 112069

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Module baselines were replaced with project baselines

First occurrence

In Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, module baselines were replaced with project baselines. If you upgrade to version 6.0 from any version 5 release, existing module baselines are converted to project baselines. The contents are not lost and can be accessed by switching the current configuration to the relevant project baseline. Note that in the version 5 releases, you could copy a module baseline to create a new editable module, which is not possible with project baselines. However, instead of copying from a module baseline, you can now branch from a project baseline.

Related information
Work Item 97312
Work Item 97420

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Revision history of an artifact doesn’t show baseline icons

First occurrence

Before the 6.0 release, the Revision history feature showed icons across the timeline that represented both the revisions of an artifact and any project baselines that were captured with that artifact. In version 6.0 and later, the baseline icons are not shown. The revision icons remain and enable you to reach any of the revisions of the artifact.

Related information
Work Item 100546

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Anchor point connections cannot be changed by using keyboard shortcuts on a Turkish Q keyboard

First occurrence

In a diagram, you can change the anchor point connections for a shape by using the keyboard. The following keyboard shortcuts are used for these actions: Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+\. A Turkish Q keyboard does not have the forward slash (/) and backslash (\) keys. Although you can create these characters by using Shift+7 and AltGr+* respectively, these key combinations do not work to change the anchor point connections.

On a Turkish Q keyboard, use Ctrl+ö and Ctrl+ç to change anchor point connections in a diagram.

Related information
Work Item 96740

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If PDF documents are viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer, the PDF document might hide menus or controls

First occurrence

If you view PDF documents by using Microsoft Internet Explorer, menus or controls might be hidden behind the PDF document. This behavior is a defect with the PDF ActiveX Viewer in Internet Explorer. More information is available in this Microsoft discussion thread: PDF is showing always on top of all controls.

In most cases, you can navigate away from the page that shows the PDF document. However, if this issue causes severe problems, you can remove the PDF ActiveX Viewer from Internet Explorer. Rational DOORS Next Generation can display PDF documents without the PDF ActiveX Viewer by using the Embedded Documents feature (where supported).

Related information
Work Item 96762

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A module template’s duplication policy is shared across its templates

First occurrence

If you create multiple templates on the same module with a different duplication policy, the duplication policy of all of the module’s templates will be changed to the duplication policy of the last template that you created or modified for that module. This is because the duplication policy is stored as a property of the module and not the module template.

Related information
Work Item 71064     

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The number of tags for a project is no longer visible

First occurrence

In version 4.0.3 and earlier, you can enable a feature that shows the number of tags for a project. To enable the feature, you set this property: com.ibm.rdm.fronting.server.RDMTagCountEnabled=true. When the feature is enabled, you can see how many times a tag is used by hovering over the tag. You can also sort tags by number of uses. As of version 4.0.4, the feature is no longer available.

Related information
Work Item 75304
Work Item 84919

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Text searches do not support queries that include certain characters

First occurrence


When you search for text by using a quick search, full-text search, or term lookup operation, the search results might be inconsistent if the query includes one of the following characters:
( ) { } [ ] « » / : ; * ? ! _ – ” < > | & . , ‘ “

This limitation is caused by the way that the Jazz Team Server search facility handles special characters.

Related information
Work Item 60581
Work Item 65502
Work Item 41905

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Thu, 16 Nov 2017