Jazz Library Workaround: Test case results cannot be opened if requirement links were removed from the associated test case and manual test script steps when in a read-only state
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Workaround: Test case results cannot be opened if requirement links were removed from the associated test case and manual test script steps when in a read-only state


If requirement links are removed from test cases and manual test script steps that are in a read-only state (for example, Approved or Retired), any associated test case results in a read-only state (for example, Approved or Retired) cannot be opened in the Test Case Result editor. The Test Case Result editor displays the following error:

Unable to retrieve the specified Execution Result. The page for this failed to load artifact will be closed.


  1. Open the test case and test script and change the state to Draft.
  2. Re-add the removed requirement links to the test case and manual test script steps.
  3. Change the test case and test script state back to the original read-only state (for example, Approved or Retired).

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Thu, 19 Oct 2017