Jazz Library Workaround: On Linux systems, the Rational Requirements Composer server does not start in console-only mode
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Workaround: On Linux systems, the Rational Requirements Composer server does not start in console-only mode


On Linux systems, the Rational Requirements Composer server does not start in console-only mode.

More Information

When you try to start the Rational Requirements Composer server in console-only mode on a Linux system, the server does not start. Before you can start the server, you must terminate the Java process and follow the steps for the workaround.

The server requires a display component to catch graphic components that are being generated. This display is not accessible in a console-only configuration.


After you determine that the server startup failed, terminate the Java process. For more information about how to terminate process IDs, see your Linux reference manual.

Then, install X Virtual Frame Buffer on your system to capture the display. To install Xvfb on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, see the following procedures:

Important: If the server is restarted, you might need to repeat steps 3 and 4. For that reason, include steps 3 and 4 in a system startup script.

To install X Virtual Frame Buffer on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, follow these steps:


  • Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM), http://yum.baseurl.org/
  • Valid YUM RHEL repository that contains this package: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
  1. On a command line, type yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb and press Enter.
  2. When you are prompted to confirm the installation of the package, type y and press Enter.
  3. Type Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x24& and press Enter. X Virtual Frame Buffer is started as a background process. An error message about missing font path elements or _XSERVTrans.... might be displayed. If the message is displayed, ignore it.
    1. Optional: If an error message that states “Couldn’t open RGB_DB ‘/usr/share/X11/rgb'” is displayed, type yum install Xorg and press Enter.
    2. Optional: Type y and press Enter to confirm the installation of this package.
  4. Type export DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 and press Enter.
  5. Complete the installation:
    • If you are running on Tomcat, follow these steps:
      1. Go to RRCS_Install/server/.
      2. Relaunch the server by typing DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 ./server.startup and pressing Enter.
    • If you are running on WebSphere Application Server, follow these steps:
      1. If WebSphere Application Server is started and the converter.war file was deployed, stop the converter.war file.
      2. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
      3. Go to the node and stop the converter.war file.
      4. Set the DISPLAY variable in WebSphere Application Server:
        1. Click Server > Application Server, and select the server that the Rational Requirements Composer server is installed on.
        2. Expand Java and Process Management, and click Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
        3. Select Custom Properties.
        4. Click New.
        5. For the name, enter DISPLAY, and for the value, enter localhost:1.0.
        6. Save the new value and save everything to the master configuration.
        7. Restart WebSphere Application Server and deploy the converter.war file if it has not been deployed.
  6. Verify that the server is started by searching the log file for the following signature entry: 'INFO: Server startup in ######ms'
    • On Tomcat, the log is located at RRCS_Install/server/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.
    • On WebSphere Application Server, the log is located at WAS App Server Location/logs/SystemOut.log.

After you start the server in console-only mode, if rendered diagrams are truncated or you notice font size issues, repeat step 3 while specifying a DPI parameter. For example, to set the DPI to 96, start the server by entering Xvfb :1 -dpi 96 -screen 0 800x600x24& .

To install X Virtual Frame Buffer on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, follow these steps:


  1. On a command line, type yast -i xorg-x11-Xvfb xorg-x11 and press Enter.
  2. Continue through the installer, confirming the installation of the packages.
  3. Type Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x24& and press Enter. X Virtual Frame Buffer starts as a background process. An error message about missing font path elements or _XSERVTrans.... might be displayed. If that message is displayed, ignore it.
    1. Optional: If an error message that states “Couldn’t open RGB_DB ‘/usr/share/X11/rgb’ “ is displayed, type yast -i Xorg and press Enter.
    2. Optional: Type y and press Enter to confirm the installation of this package.
  4. Type export DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 and press Enter.
  5. Complete the installation:
    • If you are running on Tomcat, take these steps:
      1. Go to RRCS_Install/server/.
      2. Relaunch the server by typing DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 ./server.startup and pressing Enter.
    • If you are running on WebSphere Application Server, take these steps:
      1. If WebSphere Application Server is started and the converter.war file was deployed, stop the converter.war file.
      2. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
      3. Go to the node and stop the converter.war file.
      4. Set the DISPLAY variable in WebSphere Application Server:
        1. Click Server > Application Server, and select the server that the Rational Requirements Composer server is installed on.
        2. Expand Java and Process Management, and click Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
        3. Select Custom Properties.
        4. Click New.
        5. For the name, enter DISPLAY, and for the value, enter localhost:1.0.
        6. Save the new value and save everything to the master configuration.
        7. Restart WebSphere Application Server and deploy the converter.war file if it has not been deployed.
  6. Verify that the server is started by searching the log file for the following signature entry: 'INFO: Server startup in ######ms'
    • On Tomcat, the log is located at RRCS_Install/server/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.
    • On WebSphere Application Server, the log is located at WAS App Server Location/logs/SystemOut.log.

After you start the server in console-only mode, if rendered diagrams are truncated or you notice font size issues, repeat step 3 while specifying a DPI parameter. For example, to set the DPI to 96, start the server by entering Xvfb :1 -dpi 96 -screen 0 800x600x24& .

Related Information

The following link points to related information:

Mon, 11 Jun 2012