Jazz Library Workaround: An error occurred while trying to assign the Client Access License keys to the user
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Workaround: An error occurred while trying to assign the Client Access License keys to the user


When editing users from the Rational Team Concert (RTC) 3.0.1 or Rational Quality Manager (RQM) 3.0.1 admin web UI, the save operation may fail with the following error:

An error occurred while trying to assign the Client Access License keys to the user. Click “show details” to view the details of the license assignment error. Follow the instructions to fix the problem, and click “Save” to try again.ID CRJAZ1846E

More Information


The Save operation of the user editor fails with the following error:

An error occurred while trying to assign the Client Access License keys to the user. Click “show details” to view the details of the license assignment error. Follow the instructions to fix the problem, and click “Save” to try again.ID CRJAZ1846E

Error Detail:

The user configured to perform the request [ILicenseRestService] on the JTS is not authorized. There may not be a functional user configured for the oauth consumer, or the functional user that is configured does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested operation. Connection Error: nullID CRJAZ1832E

This problem is known to affect license assignment and resource allocation changes involving users with multiple license assignments. The problem is isolated to non-distributed deployments, where RTC 3.0.1 or RQM 3.0.1 are deployed to the same application container as Jazz Team Server (JTS) 3.0.1.


This problem is caused by a defect in the HTTP client used by RTC and RQM. Please see Jazz Foundation Defect 167290 for details.


A) The JTS admin web UI and RTC Eclipse client are not affected by this defect.

B) RTC and RQM can be configured to avoid this problem by setting the following Java system property and restarting the application server.


To set the system property for WebSphere deployments, follow the procedure described in Setting up a WebSphere Application Server for setting a custom JVM property (similar to the procedure used for defining the JAZZ_HOME property in steps 9 – 11)

To set the system property for Tomcat on Windows, add the following line to the serverserver.startup.bat file, right after the other lines that start with “set JAVA_OPTS”:

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcom.ibm.team.jfs.app.http.client.denyPathPattern=^(?:(?!ILicenseRestService).)*$

To set the system property for Tomcat on Linux, add the following line to the /server/server.startup file, right after the other lines that start with “JAVA_OPTS=”:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.ibm.team.jfs.app.http.client.denyPathPattern=^(?:(?!ILicenseRestService).)*$"

Tue, 05 Jul 2011