Jazz Library Workaround: Getting around the ‘Failed share, unable to upload .opensdf file’ error in Rational Team Concert client for Visual Studio 2010
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Workaround: Getting around the “Failed share, unable to upload .opensdf file” error in Rational Team Concert client for Visual Studio 2010


When using Rational Team Concert for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you try sharing a Visual C++ project, for example Win32Project1, but it fails for being unable to upload the Win32Project1.opensdf file. This problem is specific to Visual Studio 2010, you’ll not see it in the older versions of Visual Studio, 2005/2008.

More Information


Share fails for the following reason:

You try share again, and since all but the .opensdf file actually got shared in the previous step, share goes through this time.

If Pending Changes wasn't already tracking the sandbox, it might not start tracking the changes until you disconnect and share again.

While the project is loaded in Solution Explorer, you try to undo the change to .opensdf file and you see this error:


Visual C++ stores its browsing database and IntelliSense information in these files. Its a temporary file created and locked by the Visual Studio process as long as the project is loaded.

Resolving the problem

When sharing a VC++ project in Visual Studio 2010, in the Review Ignored Resources page of the Share wizard, add the .opensdf file to the list of ignore patterns as below:

– OR –

You can configure Visual Studio 2010 to create .opensdf and .sdf files in an alternative location. From the Tools main menu select Options and then expand to Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced page. In Fallback Location category, set Always Use Fallback Location to True, Do Not Warn If Fallback Location Used to True (optional), and then either set Fallback Location to where you want the files to go, or leave it blank (in which case your temp directory will be used).

Tue, 30 Nov 2010