Jazz Library Tip: Customizing a process template for formal project management
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Tip: Customizing a process template for formal project management

The Formal Project Management process template is designed to support a formal or traditional planning process. Features in this template that enable formal project planning can be added to an existing or a new process template. If you follow an Agile development process, and use the Scrum or other process template, you can add features from the Formal Project Management process template to your template. You can also create a new process template with features from the Formal Project Management process template. Read this article to understand which features can be added to other process templates, and how to add them.

Customizable features in the Formal Project Management process template

The following features in the Formal Project Management process template can be added to other process templates.

  • Person hours as a complexity attribute: By default, the Estimate value is used to calculate and represent work item complexity. If you want to represent complexity in person hours, define a complexity attribute in top-level work items, and provide a work item presentation for the attribute.
  • Snapshot types: In the Formal Project Management process template, the default snapshot types are Planned, Regular, and Proposed. In other supplied templates, the default snapshot types are Planned and Regular. You can modify the names of the Planned and Regular snapshot types in your template by adding the XML code that is provided in this topic. You can also add one or more snapshot types by copying and renaming the Proposed Snapshot section from the Formal Project Management process template.
  • Time tracking: Add this feature to enable weekly time entries by work item owners for each work item. A Time Tracking tab is added to the work item editor. By default, entries on that tab are synchronized with the value in the Time Spent field. Time entries are classified by using time codes. The Formal Project Management process template contains default time codes.
  • Risk management: You can add the Risk and Risk Action work item types, including their attributes, presentation, and workflow, to your process template.

For steps on adding these features, see Adding formal project management features to a process template in the Rational Team Concert information center.

For more information

Wed, 11 Jul 2012