Jazz Library Workarounds: Jazz Team Server problems in CLM 4.0.1
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Workarounds: Jazz Team Server problems in CLM 4.0.1 and 4.0.2

The table of contents lists the known problems, workarounds, and limitations related to the Jazz Team Server functionality in the CLM 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 releases.


Use the links below to learn more about the issues and workarounds in this release:

Problem Summary

While installing or after upgrading Jazz Team Server with DB2 Express-C V9.7, errors occur.


If you are using IBM DB2 Express-C V9.7, when you upgrade Jazz Team Server or install a new Jazz Team Server, an error occurs. When you are installing, the error occurs in the setup wizard on the Register Applications page. When you are upgrading, the same error occurs after the upgrade, on the Database Diagnostic page of the Administration UI. The error message is like this example:

Failed to claim content: com.ibm.team.repository.common.model.impl.ContentImpl@413e413e (internalId: [UUID _uqGvpRbgEeK_OMvn7JTDQg]) (deltaPredecessor: null, contentId: [UUID _uqGvohbgEeK_OMvn7JTDQg], contentLength: 44, characterEncoding: UTF-8, contentType: text/plain, checksum: 1051594250, lineDelimiterSetting: 0, lineDelimiterCount: )

This error occurs only when you use DB2 Express-C V9.7. That version of DB2 is not compatible with a newer JDBC driver that is shipped with Jazz Team Server.


To solve this issue, use an older DB2 JDBC driver. The latest compatible driver is from DB2 fixpack 3a (driver version 4.11.77).

For Tomcat installations, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Add the following environment variable:
    where driver_path is a path to folder where the correct version of the db2jcc4.jar file is located. For example: DB2_ABSPATH=C:JazzTeamServerdb2.
  3. Restart the server.

For WAS installations, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Add the following Java new property from the WAS console:

    Application servers -> <server> -> Process definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Custom properties -> New:
    Value=driver_path/ (with trailing separator character)

    driver_path is a path to folder where the correct version of the db2jcc4.jar file is located.
  3. Restart the server.

Related Information

The following links point to related information:

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Problem Summary

The Jazz Team Server web application might run slowly or hang when loads are heavy and the default WebSphere settings for WebContainer thread pools are used.


The Jazz Team Server web application can receive many concurrent requests when any part of a Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) installation experiences a heavy load. If the load becomes large enough, the WebContainer thread pool is quickly exhausted and becomes a bottleneck, and the performance of the entire CLM system worsens. In rare circumstances, all of the threads can be blocked on remote requests and become deadlocked, causing Jazz Team Server to stop responding to requests.


In the IBM WebSphere Application Server console, increase the size of the WebContainer thread pool beyond the default setting of 50. Be sure to increase both the Minimum Size and Maximum Size to the same value. Do not enable the “Allow thread allocation beyond maximum thread size” setting.

Related Information

For more information about this setting, see the WebSphere Application Service Information Center. Also see this work item.

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Mon, 26 Nov 2012