Jazz Library Workaround: Upgrading from a CLM version 3.x server configured to use Tomcat and basic authentication to CLM version 4.0 may cause an authentication problem
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Workaround: Upgrading from a CLM version 3.x server configured to use Tomcat and basic authentication to CLM version 4.0 may cause an authentication problem


Upgrading from a Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) version 3.x server configured to use Tomcat and basic authentication to CLM version 4.0 may copy some Tomcat settings from the old server to the new server. However, some settings are not copied over. If the CLM version 3.x server was configured to use basic authentication, then authentication may no longer work correctly.

You may see the following error in your Tomcat console and/or catalina.log:

org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator forwardToLoginPage  WARNING: No login page was defined for FORM authentication in context [/jts]

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Upgrading from a Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) version 3.x server configured to use Tomcat to CLM version 4.0 will correctly migrate the Tomcat settings from [CLM3.xInstallDirectory]/server/tomcat/webapps/[applicationContextRoot]/WEB-INF/web.xml, where [applicationContextRoot] is the context root of your application, such as jts, ccm, qm, rm, or admin.

However, the settings from [CLM3.xInstallDirectory]/server/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/[applicationContextRoot].xml are not migrated.

If the CLM version 3.x server was configured to use basic authentication, this will cause authentication to fail.


Follow the instructions below to manually migrate the Tomcat settings needed so that basic authentication will work again. This assumes you have already finished an upgrade.
  1. If you have not already, start your CLM version 4.0 Tomcat server.
  2. Stop the CLM version 4.0 server.
  3. In the [CLM3.xInstallDirectory]/server/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost directory, copy all [applicationContextRoot].xml files to the [CLM4.0InstallDirectory]/server/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost directory.
    For example, there may be jts.xml, ccm.xml, qm.xml, rm.xml, admin.xml, and converter.xml.
  4. Start the server. Your server should now be successfully configured to use basic authentication.

Related Information

The following links point to related information:

Fri, 17 Aug 2012