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Problem: Advisor run before conflict checking on deliver operation

Yehiel Glass (25548986) | asked Dec 26 '12, 12:05 p.m.


I'm using RTC , and I wrote an advisor on deliver operation.
We run company  tests on the code before deliver. Our script also copies the artifacts after verifying the code.

I saw that the Advisor run before the basic tests of the system: When there are conflicts, my advisor will run it's tests and will copy the artifacts, but after all our tests - the system will fail the deliver because of basic conflict!

How can I run our tests,  only - after - the basic tests of RTC (like conflicts) are done ?



Yehiel Glass commented Jan 01 '13, 6:36 a.m.

I thougt that if the GUI workspace is colored on conflict - there is a flag that I can read before delivere action. I just need to know where is that flag ..

Can someone  help with that ?


Martin Dam Pedersen commented Jan 04 '13, 7:45 a.m.

Just a few simple question, to clarify what you are trying to achieve. Which artifacts are you copying? What's the copy destination? and what are your motivation for doing that during deliver operation ?

2 answers

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Martin Dam Pedersen (1352814) | answered Jan 04 '13, 5:21 a.m.

I would suggest to keep running the tests in the advisor, but move the copy of artifacts to a contributor(follow-up action). Then you will only copy when the deliver was successful. 

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Yehiel Glass (25548986) | answered Jan 10 '13, 4:09 p.m.

I found there is a method 'ComponentConflictUtil.hasConflictItems(IComponentSyncContext context)'

Is there a way to get the ComponentSyncContext on the server plugin code?

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