How can I get information about plans programmatically?

2 answers

you call that simple?!.. list of the workitems in a plan is enough of a challenge..
there is an undocumented set of classes thru the IIterationPlanClient.
* IIterationPlanClient planClient = (IIterationPlanClient)
* teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IIterationPlanClient.class);
in, common and api.common
there is an undocumented set of classes thru the IIterationPlanClient.
* IIterationPlanClient planClient = (IIterationPlanClient)
* teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IIterationPlanClient.class);
in, common and api.common

From my side, I see That like a Plan with attached workitems reference .That does not sound bad : )
I will be very grateful for any help in this topic. Thank You @sam for this informations.
I will be very grateful for any help in this topic. Thank You @sam for this informations.