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BIRT Report Export to excel

Mansi Garg (147) | asked Oct 05 '12, 5:31 a.m.
retagged Oct 05 '12, 11:09 a.m. by Alex Fitzpatrick (5583816)

I have a BIRT report with 2 tables in it. The report is fine on the BIRT viewer , but as soon as I export it to an excel a problem occurs. A single column of the Report is split into 2 columns of Excel.

If I remove one table the report is fine in excel.

I have made the number of columns and their widths the same in both the tables.

Can anyone please help?


Alex Fitzpatrick commented Oct 05 '12, 11:08 a.m.

Note that BIRT is an open source component that IBM integrates with a number of products. You may find the forum for that project to be useful. 

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