How to filter OSLC RM query to RequirementCollections only?
I'm using the OSLC RM API in order to extract certain bits of information from RRC, and I'm a bit stuck when trying to restrict the result set to only return collections.
I've tried filtering on the rdf:type field as so: oslc.prefix=rdf=<>&oslc.where=rdf:type=<>, however this has had no effect. I've also tried just using the name "ResourceCollection" as the filter value but that had the same result.
What method should I be using to achieve this?
Edit: the forum seems to be mangling the URIs in the query above - the URIs I'm using are the correct ones.
Accepted answer
It may be that the char '#' must be replaced by %23:
Below query works fine in my env.
Below query works fine in my env.
2 other answers
I tried the above URL to get all collections in RRC 4.0.3 but it also returns Modules created in the Project Area.
Below is the URL I used after encoding it using UTF -8 :-<>&*&oslc.where=rdf:type=<>&projectURL=
Kindly let me know a solution ASAP as this is affecting my build.
Thanks in advance.