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LSCM and extracting a file

Martin Gompertz (48611) | asked May 14 '12, 8:00 p.m.
retagged Jun 04 '12, 10:05 a.m. by Evan Hughes (2.4k1318)

Can I use LSCM to extract a before-version of a file?

I can get a diff using this method:

lscm diff -p -w STREAMNAME -r SVR changeset CHANGESETUUID

But in order to see the "before" and "after" file I need to be able to extract the file either in its before state or its after state (and then I can use the patch to infer the other state).

Does anyone know how to do this with LSCM, please?

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Andy Jewell (24236374) | answered Mar 12 '14, 2:26 p.m.
edited Mar 12 '14, 2:29 p.m.
Checkout lscm changeset extract.  You need to have a workspace and the path to the file element that you want to extract.  E.g.:

# get your changeset alias
lscm ls changesets
# list the full paths of the files in the change you want to extract
lscm ls changes 1111
# extract them one at a time -- note: you need to provide the FULL OUTPUT path
# to include the filename.
lscm changeset extract 1111 /component/path/to/the/desire/file.txt /local/file/path.txt
Checkout the options, you can also specify which workspace to pull the files from.  I'm not sure if you can pull them directly from a stream, that would be useful but I haven't tried.

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