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Using reverse proxy server

Daria Mayorova (10152) | asked Aug 10 '11, 10:41 a.m.
I am trying to deploy Rational Requirements Composer 3.0.1 using reverse proxy technology, and I've got some questions regarding this matter.

1) The CLM 3.0.1 documentation has some information on implementing reverse proxy technology for Jazz applications.
The second diagram on the documentation page "Using a reverse proxy in your topology" ( shows the topology which includes a reverse proxy server. If I understand this diagram correctly, here the proxy server interacts with different instances of Application Server, hosted on different machines.

According to the documentation page "Configuring a reverse proxy in IBM HTTP Server" ( WAS web server plug-in should be used to implement reverse proxy technology for Jazz applications.

So, how can I implement the topology shown on the diagram described above using web server plug-in? In the web server plug-in documentation I couldn't find information on whether it is possible to use the same IBM HTTP Server with web server plug-in installed as a reverse proxy to several Application Servers (hosted on different machines) at the same time.

What I need to do is to configure the environment in a way when one reverse proxy server is used for redirecting requests to different WebSphere Application Servers, hosted on different machines.

Can anyone comment on that? How can this be achieved?

2) Are there any other options available for implementing reverse proxy technology except web server plug-in? Can mod_proxy module be used for that?

3) How can reverse proxy technology be implemented when:
a) Tomcat is used as the application server for Jazz applications instead of WAS?
b) Apache is used as a reverse proxy server instead of IHS?

Any answers to these questions would be highly appreciated.
Also, I think the answers should be included in the CLM 3.0.1 documentation.

4 answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Sep 23 '11, 3:19 p.m.
In the web server plug-in documentation I couldn't find information on whether it is possible to use the same IBM HTTP Server with web server plug-in installed as a reverse proxy to several Application Servers (hosted on different machines) at the same time.

This is possible. The switch in plugin-cfg.xml is based on the context root (e.g. /jts or /ccm). You can define for each different context root another server with an own transport definition.
We have the stable URI like
on standard port 443 served by IHS frontend server.
The plugin is now tunneling to the correct WAS server based on the context root. This works for ALLIN1 hosts on a laptop as well as on a distributed system with 5 servers. We now can split servers and reconfigure just the plugin and the stable URI remains.

The transport from plugin to WAS is defined like
This is a key thing. The internal tunnel addressing has nothing to do with the stable URI.

If WAS is configured correctly you can generate the plugin-cfg.xml within the WAS Environment Main Menu. If you have multiple server, you may merge the generated files manualy.

Note: the connection between IHS-Plugin and the WAS servers MUST be https to work with CLM2011. It is not sufficient enough just to secure the connection from the clients to the IHS frontend server. You must also secure the internal links for Jazz.


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Vladimir Amelin (70472226) | answered Sep 27 '11, 12:15 p.m.

Note: the connection between IHS-Plugin and the WAS servers MUST be https to work with CLM2011.

Does it mean it's neccessary to make additional changes to plugin-cfg.xml after installing web server plug-in or SSL-connection is configured by default?

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Sep 27 '11, 12:25 p.m.

Note: the connection between IHS-Plugin and the WAS servers MUST be https to work with CLM2011.

Does it mean it's neccessary to make additional changes to plugin-cfg.xml after installing web server plug-in or SSL-connection is configured by default?

If you have only one application Server and the WAS setup is correct, the plugin-cfg.xml should be generated correctly. You only have to copy it to the correct place (referenced in httpd.cfg). HTTPS transport is automatically added to plugin-cfg.xml.

(I tried without, by removing this manually. WAS and the plugin are not rerquiring it, but Jazz does)

If you have multiple WAS behind the plugin, you need either merging the plugin-cfg.xml manually or introduce the deployment manager in the WAS setup.

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Sean G Wilbur (87222421) | answered Oct 05 '11, 4:49 p.m.
Just a follow-up with some IHS guidance on merging the plugin-cfg files.


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