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Imported Bugzilla bug numbers for queries?

jeff oestreich (1061148) | asked Jun 01 '11, 3:33 p.m.
I see after the import that the Bugzilla bug number gets put in a custom field "Origin (Bugzilla)", in the format "Bugzilla <bug>". That field does not appear available for searches - you have to use full text search and search on "Bugzilla <bug>".

I do see "Origin (Bugzilla)" available for result layouts - maybe I'm just not looking in the right place for the query fields...

Wondering if anybody has found a better way to import bugzilla bugs as Defects and expose the bug number in more query-friendly field?

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Mar 05 '13, 4:42 p.m.
edited Mar 05 '13, 4:42 p.m.
The Origin(Bugzilla) is not actually a field, but rather a text item on the history which is why it cannot be queried. A better way to expose the bug number would be to create a custom field and map it to the ID in bugzilla.

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