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RTC 3.0 repository

Dorota Kurek (2186) | asked Feb 21 '11, 4:43 p.m.
HELP!! I can not conect to the repository. I have everything instaled corretly, I mean Jazz team server and RTC 3.0 client. I meet the requirements of this software and I still can not work on it :(. ( btw. I use Windows XP prof. sp3. )
When I try to get to the repository it says : wrong adress URL. I'm sure it's good because I use https://localhost:9443/jazz with login and password ADMIN.
I tried also URL with my IP address but it still doesn't work.
What could be wrong with my application?

I will be thankfull if someone help me with that matter.


2 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 21 '11, 6:25 p.m.
HELP!! I can not conect to the repository. I have everything instaled corretly, I mean Jazz team server and RTC 3.0 client. I meet the requirements of this software and I still can not work on it :(. ( btw. I use Windows XP prof. sp3. )
When I try to get to the repository it says : wrong adress URL. I'm sure it's good because I use https://localhost:9443/jazz with login and password ADMIN.
I tried also URL with my IP address but it still doesn't work.
What could be wrong with my application?

I will be thankfull if someone help me with that matter.


Hi Dorota

I am assuming you can get to RTC via the web interface, but not the Eclipse client - is that correct?

Check your server has started up properly - is there a Tomcat window (if you are using Tomcat) and does it say the server has started (no errors)?

If this is a new install of RTC - you may need to use https://localhost:9443/ccm instead of /jazz. If the webUI works ok with /jazz, then this is not the problem.

Final check - does your company use a proxy server - you may need to set that in your connection. I have seen some proxy servers that prevent you connecting to a Jazz server because of the way they work (it rewrites the address via a script that cannot be executed by RTC).

If none of this works, reply here and we can look at other options.


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Dorota Kurek (2186) | answered Feb 22 '11, 3:32 a.m.
Hi Anthony,

Thanks for your post :).
I guess it's bigger problem then I thought.
Shall I begin from the very start. I downloaded RTC from on my personal computer. I had the same problem as I have now so I asked my friend whats wrong. He said that my operating system isn't right for that application (I had Windows XP home edition). So I instaled new system Widnows XP PRO. Now I had make sure that I have instaled everything required. Than I instaled new Jazz team Sever (I checked if it works properly) and RTC for client. But still I have the same problem even with new operating system :(.
So far I was trying to get to RTC via the Elipse Client. Even when I try to get to RTC via the web interface there is an information that I have to register this application on Jazz Team Server and I have to use the Setup Wizard. But I still don't know what does it mean? What exactly I have to do?
Jazz Team server works properly, I use Tomcat and it starts up in about 33700 ms. I don't use proxy and I tried to use https://localhost:9443/ccm.

Still need help


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