Add OpenSocial Gadget
I am trying to add Sonar OpenSocial gadgets to my personal dashboard. When specifying the URL to the gadget, I get the following error...
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to timed out
I've tried the Wikipedia example also, with the same result.
I suspect that the issue is with my proxy settings or outbound whitelist but cannot troubleshoot further. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks!
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to timed out
I've tried the Wikipedia example also, with the same result.
I suspect that the issue is with my proxy settings or outbound whitelist but cannot troubleshoot further. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks!
7 answers
Good idea on testing using wget from the command line. I'm now certain that my proxy is the issue. Still, I cannot seem to find a way to set the proxy values in RTC.
I did find some instructions on setting up "" here...
...but that didn't seem to do the trick. Any thoughts on configuring the server to work with a proxy?
I did find some instructions on setting up "" here...
...but that didn't seem to do the trick. Any thoughts on configuring the server to work with a proxy?
I'm not positive if this will work, but give it a shot. Please let us know if it works -- we should definitely document this!
Create a new text file in a Jazz server folder, depending on application server type:
For Apache Tomcat: JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/jazz/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/
For IBM WebSphere Application Server: WASInstallDir/profiles/profile/temp/node/server1/jazz_war/jazz.war/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/
Paste the following contents to and edit it according to you proxy configuration:
Restart the Jazz Team Server.
Create a new text file in a Jazz server folder, depending on application server type:
For Apache Tomcat: JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/jazz/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/
For IBM WebSphere Application Server: WASInstallDir/profiles/profile/temp/node/server1/jazz_war/jazz.war/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/
Paste the following contents to and edit it according to you proxy configuration:
# General proxy settings
# HTTP proxy settings
# proxyData/HTTP/host=<proxy>
# proxyData/HTTP/port=<proxy>
# proxyData/HTTP/hasAuth=false
# HTTPS proxy settings
# Hosts that will not use proxy
# nonProxiedHosts=<hostname1>
Restart the Jazz Team Server.