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VSS to RTC Migration

Pradeep A N (2155) | asked Oct 25 '10, 8:43 a.m.
Hi All

Here are few questions related to VSS to RTC Migration

1) Are there any known limitation for this type of migration?
2) Approximately, how much amount of time does this migration process can take? for e.g. say for migrating 1 MB of data from VSS to RTC.
3) Are there any specific instructions available on portal for doing the migration?
4) Is there any specific tool available which can automate this migration? Or this migration has to be done manually?

Thanks and Regards

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Binoy D'costa (9532737) | answered Nov 11 '10, 1:27 p.m.
Hi All

Here are few questions related to VSS to RTC Migration

1) Are there any known limitation for this type of migration?
2) Approximately, how much amount of time does this migration process can take? for e.g. say for migrating 1 MB of data from VSS to RTC.
3) Are there any specific instructions available on portal for doing the migration?
4) Is there any specific tool available which can automate this migration? Or this migration has to be done manually?

Thanks and Regards

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